Happily Ever After

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Y/N loved these days. When the fighting had paused long enough for the castle to land on a peaceful planet. When she could find a private spot to just sit and watch the sun begin to set. When she could gather her thoughts and just breathe.

"What are you writing?" a deep voice break through her reverie.

"Oh, I just write. Sometimes it is my thoughts. Sometimes it is my memories, events that have happened, places I've seen, people I've met. Sometimes it is just stories I make up." Y/N said, closing her notebook and smoothing a hand over the cover. "I have to be careful, I'm going to run out of pages soon. There is something always really sad about filling the last page of a notebook."

"But then you get to start another, right?" Shiro asked, as he sat down next to her.

"Yeah, but it is different. Uncharted. Unwritten. So much potential, for both positive and negative."

They sat in silence for several moments, watching the sun sink slowly.

"So the team has been a bit much lately." Shiro started

"Yeah, it is sort of overwhelming, if I am being honest. Especially today." Y/N said with a slight laugh.

"I am really glad that they are trying to make you feel more included though." Shiro said, completely unaware of the effect his words had on Y/N. Had he not realized what the team was doing? How had their completely obvious attempts to get Shiro to notice her not worked?

"What? Why are you staring at me like that?" Shiro asked, still oblivious.

"They weren't doing all that to make me feel included. They were doing it to try and get you to notice me. How did you not pick up on that?" Y/N said, barely containing her laughter.

The sudden realization on Shiro's face was what finally did her in, she couldn't contain the giggles that flowed from her mouth.

"It isn't that funny." Shiro pretended to pout.

"Yes, yes it is." Y/N panted between giggles.

"Why were they trying to get me to notice you though? We have been on the same ship for months and they are just now trying to set us up?"

His words took the laughter out of Y/N's eyes.

"I should go." she said as she started to gather her things.

"Wait, what is it? Do you know why they are trying so hard?" Shiro asked as he stopped her movements. He tried to look her in the eyes, but she avoided his gaze, until he took her face in his hands. When their eyes met, the world seemed to freeze for a second. Until, Y/N looked away and broke the moment. She mumbled something, but her words were too quiet for him to hear.

"What? What did you say?"

"I said I'm in love with you, okay? I have been since I met you back on Earth. Allura somehow found out and told the other paladins and that is why they have been trying to throw us together. Can I leave now?" Y/N asked, with tears in her eyes. Shiro continued to cradle her face as the tears began to fall. Slowly and with great care, he wiped the moisture from her face.

"Hey, it's okay. I love you, too." He said soothingly

"You're just saying that because I am crying." Y/N sniffled

"No, I am saying that because the woman I love just confessed her feelings for me and then broke down crying. Do you really think I would lie to you about something so important?" Shiro explained patiently

"No, I guess not." Y/N said, his words not quite registering in her head. Her jaw dropped as she realized what he had said. "Wait, you're in love with me?" She asked, completely in awe.

"Yes, sweetheart, I am. I hate to steal your line, but I have also been in love with you since I met you back on earth." Shiro teased slightly. Y/N smiled and snuggled up to him, a move that made him very happy.

The two sat like that for several moments. Content to just be together and watch the rest of the sunlight fade from the sky.

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