Part 2

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Beyonce  Pov

Im on my way home right now and the only thing on my mind is how I'm going to prepare for this session with Nicki tonight. I don't even understand why I'm nervous I just met her. I mean she is cute scratch that sexy as fuck. Damn that smile just make me wanna- no no stop.

"Snap out of it Bey," I murmured to myself pulling up to my house. Thank god my husband big lip ass was home.

Soon as I walk in the house baby Blue immediately ran to me.

"Mommy," she yelled holding on to my legs.

"Hey baby," I said picking her up.

"Hey babe," Jay said walking down the stairs.

He came and gave me a big hug, I put blue in the play room and went upstairs with jay.

"How did your meeting go," he asked rubbing my shoulders.

"It went well, we have a session tonight." I said sighing, I'm so tensed.

"Babe you need to relax, your so tensed." Jay said kissing my shoulder blades.

I silently hummed.

"How about you take a Vacation," he said now sitting next to me.

"Babe I have this music to work on," I said turning to look at him.

"Well she can come with you," he said.

"She who," I asked cluelessly.

"Nicki duh baby, well I have to go see you later babe." He said pecking my lips before getting up to leave.

Now I'm left in an empty house just me and blue and all I can think about is Nicki Minaj.

Nicki Pov

The meeting was great, I was kind of nervous tho. I mean who wouldn't be nervous to meet the one and only Beyonce. She so damn fine lawd but she got a hubby. I mean she was eyeing me tho Ian stupid. Okay maybe I'm overthinking it but it seemed like she was.

When I pull up to my house I was hoping meek wasn't there but to my disappointment he was.

"Lord give me strength," I said looking up to the sky.

I slowly walked to my door dreading what's about to happen. I walk inside and try to quietly get upstairs.

"Babe," he called out coming from the living room.

"Shit," I mumbled under my breath.

"Hey baby," I said turning around giving him a fake smile.

"How was the meeting ma," he asked coming over to hug me.

"It was great. We have a session later on tonight," I said smiling extra hard.

"What's got you so happy," he asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"Nothing baby. I just missed you daddy,"I said throwing up in my mouth a little.

"Oh really," he said smiling.

"Yeah," I said trying to smile.

"Well how about we-" he was saying before I cut him off.

"I'm tired babe need to rest before the session,"I said hurrying up the stairs.

I laid down getting comfortable and next thing I know this monkey ass nigga is in my room.

"Nicki don't get into something now," he said furrowing his eyebrows.

"What do you mean," I asked rolling my eyes.

"I know you Nicki and I know you gon try something," he said folding his arms.

"Really? This is what this about? I'm over girls daddy," I said once again trying to keep myself from throwing up.

"Sure Nicki. Well I'm about to go, I love you." He said bending down to peck my lips.

"Mhm love you too," I said watching him walk out.

Thank god he left now I can rest for this session.

Beyonce Pov

It's now 7:30 and I need to start getting ready. As I'm getting  ready for the session my phone dings.

Unknown~ Hey bey I was just wondering if the time was still 9:00.

I realized it was Nicki and quickly saved her number.

-Yes it's still 9 unless you wanted to go earlier.

Nic Nac😍👑~ No 9 is fine, I may go a little earlier but 9 is fine. See you then.

- Alright, see you later Nic.

I started smiling so damn hard it don't make no sense. I gotta hurry and get ready. After about 45 minutes I was dressed and ready to go. I had my hair in a high pony and some light blue skinny jeans on with a black crop top that said flawless in it.

-I'm on my way.

I shot Nicki a quick text and headed to the studio.

Hopefully all goes well.

Nicki Pov

Queen B👑😩❤️~ I'm on my way.

Bey sent me a text a few minutes ago. I'm currently sitting in the parking lot waiting for her to pull up.

-I'm here.

I texted her letting her know that I was here. I have on a black body suit with my long black hair down. After about 10 more minutes I see a white rolls Royce pull up beside me. I figured it was bey so I grabbed my things and got out the car.

"Hey Nicks, why aren't you inside?" Bey asked coming over to hug me.

"I wanted to wait for you," I said blushing.

She just smiled, after what seemed like forever she spoke up.

"Well how about we go inside," she said grabbing my hand.

Damn that ass, Lord give me strength.

Flawless ~BeyNika~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora