5 Seconds of Summers's Relationships And Other Things...

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Okay so I don't usually talk about the boys' relationships, or their girlfriends for that matter but I'm pretty fucking tired of people making Tumbler and/or Instagram accounts about how Luke and Arzalya(no I don't know how to spell her name nor do I really give a fuck bc I don't talk about her more than once a year) or Michael and Crystal Leigh are just PR(public relation, publicity stunt). 

I personally don't believe any of that shit because 1.) there's no legitamit proof and feel free to attempt to prove me wrong, the only way I'd believe you is if Michael or Luke themselves personally walked up to me and said so themselves it was/is PR. And 2.) If these people who claim to be "Good friends" of the boys and say it's all just PR, would have their accounts shut down, because people comment about it on the boys Instagram posts, and I'm certain that management would shut down the accounts, or at least make it so that the accounts couldn't legally post/say anything about the boys without getting managements approval.

People, DECENT, human beings wouldn't say anything about the boys' relationships without exposing PROOF not saying "well I don't need to prove anything" um actually we live in a world where only people with PROOF are found truthful, it doesn't matter if you're right, court cases get lost all the time because one side had more proof, more EVIDENCE, than the other side, it doesn't matter if the side that lost was right, if there's no proof, there's no way of knowing if your telling the truth.

Also please stop those of you who are commenting under Michael's Instagram photos saying stupid shit like "what about us your fans? Are we not important to you? Are we not more important than Crystal?" Or "Yeah because Crystal helped you get where you are now" or "what about us? Where's our thank you?" Or better yet "I hate Crystal, she's a bitch, I think you guys are just PR, this is fake" PLEASE shut the fuck up and keep your negative, useless, unhelpful, self-pitying comments out of Michael's comments. 

If you care more about getting recognition for getting your favorite celebrity to the top of the charts and your salty bc he made ONE appreciation post dedicated to HIS GURLFRIEND AND THE REST OF HIS POSTS ARE ABOUT HOW FUCKING LIT AND GREAT AND WONDERFUL HIS FANS ARE, I advise you to take a chill pill, and then ask yourself why the hell you associate yourself with the fandom if all you want is appreciation posts from him? 

Like DEAR GOD MICHAEL APRICIATES HIS GIRLFRIEND IN ONE POST ON INSTAGRAM MAYBE EVEN TWO OR THREE POSTS ON INSTAGRAM THEREFORE HE DOESNT CARE ABOUT US OR APPRECIATE US AND IM GONNA KILL MYSELF BECAUSE HE "doesn't love us" as much as he loves his girlfriend. He loves and cares about us, and we need to stop being jealous assholes about the fact the he's happy with a girlfriend and dedicates appreciation posts to her which has only happended 4 times, chill it's not the end of the world.

But if you do love the fact that both Michael and Luke are happy and even though you may not be a fan of their girlfriends, you love that their happy feel free to comment what you hate about all this PR bullshit/drama or DM me, don't worry I'm not gonna judge you, I'm curious what you guys have to say about this.

Love you always,


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(This is like, one of my favorite photos of #Mistal and I might make this my screen saver😍)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2017 ⏰

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