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I hate it here.

So many servants. No privacy. Empty halls.

I hate it all.

" C'mon, get your lazy ass up!"

The world spins for a second and suddenly I'm facing the ceiling. My head hurts.

"Ugh, did you really have to do that," I asked the one person I don't hate, my older sister.

"Of course I did. You wouldn't get up otherwise."

Did I mention that I also hate mornings?

My older sister looks down at me, her extra set of ears twitching for a bit.

" Sean could've woken me up," I said.

" Sean is off today. Therefore, it's my duty as older sister to wake you."

" We have other servants."

" Well, um, they're off today too."


"Okay, maybe a little."

I sighed. She's always like this, so I'll let it slide......again. I slowly stand up, brushing my clothes off even though there's probably no dust. My tails swing from side to side as I take in the sun's rays. My ear twitches as I hear shuffling. I turn to see my sister making up my bed.

" You know that the servants could've done that right?" As much as I dislike having maids and butlers, they're damn good at what they do.

" Yes, but I wanted to help out my baby brother."

I smack her on the leg with one of my tails. "I'm not a baby!"

" Ow! Why would you hit me like that? Big sister is hurt," she says dramatically as she wraps her tails around herself.

" Get over it."

If you haven't already noticed, we're not human. We come from a long line of fox spirits, nine-tailed to be exact. That means we're some the highest ranked spirits there are. Naturally, we're very pampered in the spirit world, with the finest cuisine, best servants, and more at our beck and call. I hate all of it though. I want to explore and maybe go to the human world for once.

But that would never happen. Father and Mother are too overprotective. They never let me go anywhere. Grace gets more leeway since she's older, though, and I think that it's completely unfair.

" Anyway, I came to get you. Father wants to speak with you."

He wants to speak with me? What could be so important that he sent Grace to come get me?

" Let's go!" Grace runs down the hallway. Sometimes I wonder who's actually the older sibling here.


We reach the tall wooden doors that leads to my parent's throne room. Yes, a throne room. Conceited, I know, and it's one of the things I hate about this place.

" Hello, Father," I greet as Grace and I enter the room. I see that Mother is here too. "Hello, Mother."

"Hello, son"

"Hi, sweety."

Sweety? She only called me that when they were going to tell me something important.

" Son," Father started," We want you to go to the human realm."

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