Chapter 7

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"Smile beautiful." I turned my head to be blinded by a bright white light that captured my soul. The click of the camera was capturing. The white light shinned through a hole, and pulled me in. Harry lifted the camera down and smiled. I gave him a small purse of the lips then turned back around to examine my outfit in the mirror.

"Adriana?" I didn't bother to turn around, but then instead to look at him through the smeared mirror that leaned up against an old dresser. His hands were stiff and still, along with his gaze that locked to mine.

I examined his perfectly toned body that was hard and firm up against anything he touched. He seemed to always wear sunglasses indoors, when there was absolutely no reason too. I would watch him rock back an forth on the heels of his feet until he would get dizzy and regain his balance by pulling his hands out of his pockets.

He was so delicate and soft, but he was incredibly strong and brutal. There wasn't a word that could describe him perfectly, and I wasn't searching for one. I just wanted to know him like his family knows him. I just wanted to know what he was thinking and feeling. I wanted to know so bad.

"Do you want anything to eat?" I slowly shook my head and continued to brush off my skirt and pull pieces of lint from my shirt.

Harry rubbed the back of his neck and breathed in quite loudly from his nose.

"Sure?" I slightly nodded my head and walked over towards the bed. I slowly sat in a criss cross form. My legs were over each other and my hands were in my lap.

Harry took a seat next to me and slowly scooted closer towards me. The air was tense and closed in. It made me feel uncomfortable, and I didn't like it. Harry's hand gripped onto my thigh as he dug his fingernails into my flesh making me wince.

"Harry." His hand was trailing up and down. I couldn't move. The sensation was strong, and I didn't know if I liked it. The tingles flew up and down my leg, and it tickled. I let out a small laugh.

"Oh, Adriana. The things I could d-"

"Okay. That's enough. I'm actually hungry now." I removed his hand and stood up. My leg was asleep, and it was hard to move around. I trailed downstairs and sat on a chair that was facing the table.

I could hear Harry's chuckle from behind me. I slipped my hair behind my ear and breathed in harder. My lungs were weak whenever I was with Harry. It's not that I found him attractive, I was just terrified.

"Sandwich?" He pulled out two wrapped sandwiches from the fridge. I nodded my head and he threw one towards me. Fortunately I caught it, but I flinched immensely in the process. The sandwich was very colorful with greens, reds, and a yellow sauce.

"Thanks." Harry sat on the opposite side of the table and slowly chewed his meal. His eyes were planted on mine. I tried looking anywhere but at him. He curled his fingers and flipped his hair. His muscles were tense, and his presence made me want to throw up.

After about three bites I felt nauseous. I held onto my stomach and let out a small cry from the bruise I pushed on to hard.

"Are you okay?" I closed my eyes and placed my hand over my mouth nodding my head.

"Excuse me." I huddled over and pushed my chair in. I hurried up the stairs and ran into the bathroom slamming the door behind me.

I gripped onto the edges of the toilet and crouched down onto my knees. My reflexes were acting up. I felt my face burn and sweat. I quickly threw up the sandwich along with food I had before then. It was burning my throat.

I heard a small creak, and the door opened up. I knew it was Harry. I tried shielding my face with my hair as I dug my head deeper into the toilet.

"Go away," I breathed.

Harry didn't move anywhere but closer towards me. I jumped when his hand touched my back. It would glide up and down gently on my spine. A trail of goosebumps was left behind as Harry's cold finger slid my hair behind my ear. I still kept my eyes closed.

Harry leaned in closer and nuzzled his head into mine. His cold lips touched my ear, and chills erupted onto my body. I shivered and dug my nails into the hard material.

"I'm not leaving you here by yourself."

"Why," I chocked. "You don't even care about me." I panicked and crouched over again. I flushed the toilet as I threw up some more.

Harry's hand trailed up and down my arm. I was tired and sick. I wanted to just go home. I didn't want to be here.

"If I didn't care about you, I would've called the council by now." I could hear the smirk in his voice as my throat melted into fire. I slowly sat up and washed my mouth out with water. I quickly popped a piece of gum into my mouth and began to chew.

"How do I know you didn't?" Harry rolled his eyes and guided me over towards his bed. I sat down and faced him with my back against the mirror, but my eyes with his. He grabbed my pinky and started playing with it as he attached his pinky to mine.

He gave a small smile with his dimple indenting into his skin. He raised his brows and let out a sigh.

"Even though I may not treat you perfectly, doesn't mean that I don't care about you." Harry was right. He treated me like an animal, and I knew he would never stop either, he was too vicious and mean to do so.

I wandered my eyes over to Harry's tattoos. I wondered how many he had, and what they all meant to him. I would never want a tattoo. However, I was forced into having one drilled on the back of my sensitive neck. Harry said only a few more days until I could see it.

I curled my toes and let out a deep breath. I watched Harry examine my hands and fingers. He would glide his thumb across the top of my hand and his pinky attached to mine. He was being gentle. He's never been like this ever. What was wrong with him?

"Why do you do it then?"

"Because I have to."

I pulled my hand away from Harry's and set it down in my lap. I wanted to know him better. I wanted to know is lusts and wishes. I peered into his eyes and licked my bottom lip. I watched his eyebrows move and his lips twitch. I even watched how his curly hair would blow from the air vent.

"Oh." That was all I said. I panicked. I didn't know what I was suppose to say.

Harry got up from the bed and stood in front of me. He turned his body and walked towards the door. It seemed as though this routine would happen everyday. It never ended. It was always the same conversation with the same answers, and it was boring. I tried so hard to understand him. What was he thinking, and why was he thinking it?

His shoes clicked onto the ground as he reached the bedroom door. I felt the urge to stop him, and something so powerful came over me to speak my mind. I couldn't help myself, I knew I had to.


Harry turned only his head. His jawline fell perfectly onto his shoulder, and his curls fell perfectly onto his neck. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. It was silent.

"Where are you going?" I whispered so small, I was almost positive he didn't hear me, but he did. He heard me perfectly.

"Nowhere." A small smile appeared on my face.




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