Chapter 20

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Hermione sat in her Transfiguration class when her name was called.

"Miss Granger?" Said McGonagal as she went through her work.

"Yes, Professor?" She asked as she lay her quill on the desk.

"I would like to speak to you after class has ended please," said McGonagal.

"Yes, Ma'am," said Hermione thoughtfully.

"What do you think it's about?"Asked Harry as he checked over her shoulder.

"I'm not sure," said Hermione with a frown.

"I'm sure you'll find out soon enough. There's only ten minutes left before class ends," said Harry with a smile.

"Well thanks for that statement," said Hermione as she held her head in her hands.

"Ah, Miss Granger. I've been meaning to speak to you since early this morning," said McGonagal as Hermione approached the desk.

"Oh. About what, Professor?" Asked Hermione anxiously.

"Well Dumbledore told me about you and Professor Snape," she started,"and as surprised as I was...well it didn't prepare me for the fact that the two of you are planning to wed."

"You're what--?"

Hermione spun to see Harry standing in the doorway with a hurt look.

"Harry--" Hermione pleaded.

Harry walked out and by the time Hermione reached the doorway he was nowhere to be seen.

"Harry," Hermione said as she sank to the ground, her eyes filling with tears.

"Miss Granger, I am sorry. I did not see Mr Potter...are you alright?" McGonagal asked as she knelt to where her student sat crying.

"I--I wasn't ready to tell them," Hermione cried.

"I truly am sorry, Miss Granger," said McGonagal.

"It's no use now," said Hermione with a sniffle,"He's going to tell Ron and then it will all be over."

McGonagal looked at the girl with compassion. She was so young. She had much to learn yet she tried. She was strong. But she needed her friends.

"I can talk to them if you wish?" Asked McGonagal sincerely.

"It's not like it would help,"said Hermione hopelessly,"but thank you. I think I'll go find them now. See if I can save this friendship. Maybe a professor's life."

"However do you mean, Miss Granger?" Asked McGonagal.

"Harry will likely do something stupid. Like try to kill Professor Snape. Something like that. Maybe a curse. I don't know but I don't want to find out either," said Hermione in a panic.

"Well then I am going with you," said McGonagal in a stern voice.

"That's not necessary--" Hermione started.

"I am going and that is final. Our best bet would be the Potions  classroom. Come on,"said McGonagal as she led the way.

Hermione rushed after Professor McGonagal. For an old woman,she sure did move fast! They made their way to the dungeons. Hermione heard raised voices.

"I'm going to kill you, you sick bastard!" Harry shouted.
"Potter, what is the meaning of this?" Snape snapped.

Hermione ran in front of McGonagal, despite the professor's attempts to stop her. She reached the classrooms as Harry reached for his wand.

"Harry!" She screamed in a panic.

"Stay out of it, Hermione." Said Harry as he drew his wand.


Harry's wand clattered to the floor on the far side of the room. He turned to look at the caster of the spell. She stood in the doorway with tears running down her face. Her hair stood wildly as if she had been running. Her face was twisted in an expression of sorrow.

"Why did you do that?" Harry asked through gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry, Harry. I couldn't let you do it,"said Hermione in a pleading tone.

"He's a sick-minded man! You're half his age and he wants to marry you!" Harry shouted angrily.

"I love him!" Hermione answered, shocked at her outburst.

Harry's face turned to an expression of stone.

"He's screwing you, isn't he?" He said.

Hermione looked shocked at his question.

"Holy shit, Hermione. What the fuck?!" Harry shouted.

"Harry--" she pleaded.

"That's it!" Harry shouted as he lunged for Snape.

"Harry, stop!" Hermione begged as he ran toward the Potions master.

"Shut up, Hermione!" Harry shouted back at her.

He hit Snape square on the jaw. Snape fell back, surprised. He didn't think the little shit would actually do it. He straightened himself.

"How could you?! She's half your age!" Harry shouted in anger.

"It's not what you think, Potter," Snape said, rubbing his jaw.

That boy sure could throw a punch.

"Let me see, you're marrying her and you're screwing her. How isn't it what I think?!" Harry shouted.

"Harry,please. Let me explain!" Hermione pleaded, pushing her friend away from Snape.

"What is there to explain, Hermione? He's sick! Just wait until McGonagal and Dumbledore hear about this,"he said as he headed toward the door.

"We already know, Potter," said McGonagal as she revealed herself.

Harry staggered back, confusion setting in.

"You knew? And you did nothing?!" He asked.

"Do not raise your voice with me, Potter. I am not Professor Snape. I will punish you." She warned.

"What's the difference?" Harry asked in amusement.

"Snape has a weakness. He cares. He will not touch you as he knows it will hurt Miss Granger. I on the other hand, I can very much do as I see fit in order to ensure obedience from you,"she said sternly.

"Minerva--" Snape started to say.

"Hush, Severus. This is no time for excuses. Mr Potter wishes to speak. Let him. There is nothing he can do to me." McGonagal said, hushing Severus.

"You all knew and you left him. How could you, Professor?" Harry asked  with pain in his voice.

"Potter, it's not like they're getting married tomorrow. It will be after she is finished with her year. If that was your concern then feel relieved," said McGonagal.

"It's not just that! He's screwing her!" Harry shouted.

"There is no evidence to suggest that, Potter. Therefore no one can do anything about it."

"You're all just covering for him. Fine. If you won't do anything, I will leave. I refuse to watch my friend throw her life away for someone double her age," said Harry as he left them.

Harry set out to find Ron. He had to know. Hermione was his friend too.

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