Chapter 32

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Hermione sat on the sofa as Severus waited for Dumbledore and McGonagall.

"Why do you think they want to see us?" Asked Hermione.
"I'm not sure,"said Severus as there was a knock at the door.

"Severus," greeted Dumbledore.
"Albus, Minerva," said Severus as they entered.

"Miss Granger, how are you feeling?" Asked Dumbledore as his eyes settled on the girl.

"Good,thank you. And you?" Answered Hermione.

"I am very well, thank you Miss Granger," said Dumbledore.

"Good." Hermione said as she smiled.

McGonagall sat next to Hermione. She took het hand. Hermione smiled at her.

"I hear the pregnancy is taking quite a lot out of you," said McGonagall with a smile.

"A bit, I'm sure it will get better," said Hermione as she shrugged.

"You've had it so tough, yet you continue to be strong. You are one hell of a fighter Hermione Granger. I am proud to have known you all these years and the years yet to come," said McGonagall with a wink.

"Thank you, Professor," said Hermione as she teared up.

She was so emotional!  She wished she could get over this part of the pregnancy.

She looked at Severus who was deep in conversation with Dumbledore. They were so close. Like she and McGonagall were.

Hermione smiled to herself. Severus could say whatever he wanted. He was one big softy when he let his guard down.


"I'm telling you 'Mione. Harry's going to figure it out.  He already suspects something," said Ginny as she sat with her best friend.

"Surely there has to be a reason?" Asked Hermione as she played with a pear.

"Apparently you had a pretty interesting time in Potions yesterday. I'm going to take a guess and say it was your morning sickness?" Said Ginny.

"Yeah, it came out of nowhere. It's stupid that it's called that though. It hits any time of day and lately I've been having alot of it," said Hermione.

"Okay, well Harry's on to you. If you don't want him to catch on, you better hope you get a hang of this," said Ginny in a low tone.

"What did you tell him?" Asked Hermione.

"Nothing. He spoke about your check up and I told him it's probably that," said Ginny.

"Thanks. I don't want drama," said Hermione gratefully.

"Drama about what?" Asked Harry as he sat next to her.

Hermione froze. She turned to Harry with a smile.

"Just in general," she said," Poppy told me to keep my stress levels down."

"I get stress is bad, but why is she so strict about it?" Asked Harry.

"My stress levels are too high," said Hermione, "That's what's making me sick."

Harry looked at her in confusion but said nothing further as he turned to his breakfast.

Ginny gave her a warning look.

Hermione looked down at her plate, suddenly not hungry anymore. She pushed it away from her as she stood.

Harry looked at her in confusion as she left the Great Hall and made her way to first class.

"Miss Granger, could I see you please?" Asked McGonagall.

Hermione stood and went to her professor. McGonagall ushered for her to stand next to her.

"Miss Granger, you're not looking well," said McGonagall.

"I'm okay," said Hermione.

"I don't think so. I'm sending for Severus now," said McGonagall.

"I'm fine!" Hermione hissed, raising a few heads from their books.

"Miss Granger I will not take no for an answer. Severus will be here soon and you will go with him. Understood?" Asked McGonagall, keeping her voice low.

Hermione's cheeks flushed in anger. She straightened and walked back to her desk.

She sat, waiting as Severus walked into the class.

"Professor, I'm here for Miss Granger," he said as everyone looked up.

"Of course, Miss Granger, if you'd follow professor Snape please?" Said McGonagall.

Hermione fumed with anger.

"Yes, Professor." She said as she stood to join Severus.

Hermione gathered her things and followed him out of the class as she felt everyone's eyes on her.

"Don't look so angry, woman," said Severus as they walked.

"I am angry. Therefore I will look angry," she answered in frustration.

He took her bag and threw it over his shoulder.

"You're supposed to keep your stress down," said Severus gently.

"Yeah well it's not that easy when everyone keeps fussing over me," she said shortly.

Severus sighed.

"She's just looking out for you," said Severus as he walked next to her.

"Yeah well it's frustrating," she said angrily.

Suddenly she slowed down.

"Hermione?" He asked as he fell back to match her pace.

"I'm fine," she said weakly as her Vision swam.

"Woman, do not tell me your are fine when you look like that," said Severus as he watched her.

"I said I'm fi--" she stopped as her knees felt weak and her head spun.

Severus swooped down to lift her. He held her close.

"I can walk," Hermione whispered.

"You will not. I am taking you to Poppy and that is final," said Severus.

"This is what I meant by everyone fussing," said Hermione in a whisper.

"This is necessary. Something isn't right. We need to find out what," he said as he climbed the stairs to the infirmary.

He waited for her reply.

"Hermione?" He asked.

She was limp in his arms.

Shit, he thought as he sped up his pace.

Why was all this happening to her? Why was it so difficult on her body?
Was something wrong with her or the baby?
What was happening and why?!

He entered the infirmary.

"Poppy, I need help," he said as he ran in," now!"

Poppy jumped up and ran to see to the girl that had been there so many times that week, she was thinking on keeping a trunk there for her.

"What now?" Asked Poppy.

"I don't know. She wasn't looking well and then she passed out," said Severus.

"Oh dear." Said Poppy.

"She didn't fall. I had her in my arms when she passed out. But what is wrong with her?" Asked Severus in a panic.

"It could be her iron that's low. It could also be many other things. It could even be..." she stopped.

"What, Poppy?" Asked Severus, now scared.

"...It could be the baby." Said Poppy as Severus felt his world yanked from under his feet.

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