Race Against Time

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Anakin stood there for a moment. "You can do this by thinking of the time you want to go to via the Force, while you make the jump to hyperspace! Simple." They all nodded. "Well I guess this is where the fun begins." Ben sighed.

Anakin smiled at him. Rey noticed this. "Why are you laughing?" "Rey, sweety, I used to say that. Then, Ben's father the scruffy-looking nerf herder stole my line, and now Ben is saying it." Rey smiled and nodded. Anakin smiled back.

"Good luck, but before you guys go, you must know something: You must lead me, guide me to see the truth. I was a very different man back then, so you'll have to be patient with me."

Ben groaned in exasperation. "Grandpa, you know I take after you in having no patience!" Anakin chuckled softly. "That I know! The time stamp that you want to go to is 22 BBY. Rey, Ben you're my only hope." With that Anakin's ghost disappeared.


Rey, Ben, Poe, and Finn walked out of the Jedi Temple. "So Rey, you and Anakin, what was that all about?" Finn asked. Poe snickered. "I thought she told you, Finn: she has a relative from his era, in fact she is Palpatine's granddaughter! Plus, those two met before, back when she first came to this temple. They, uh, "got acquainted" with each other... If ya know what I mean." Rey suddenly felt enraged. "How dare you?! You suggesting that I have been flirting with him?"

Ben shivered at the thought of Rey even thinking about flirting with his grandfather.

"Please CHANGE THE TOPIC!" Ben shouted. They were all quiet the rest of the way towards the Millennium Falcon.

When they got there they were greeted by Chewie, R2, and BB-8. "Chewbacca, we need to set a course for Coruscant, can you do that?" Poe asked. Chewie roared and nodded.


The team were about to take off, when Luke walked into the ship. "Were you really thinking about NOT bringing ME?" Ben sighed. "Uncle, you of all people--aside from Mom--is someone that I want to keep safe, especially after how much I have hurt you." Luke scoffed and shoved Ben away. "I don't think so! I would rather be a Sith lord than not try to save MY FATHER!"

Everyone stared at him dumbfounded. Chewie laughed at Ben. "Chewie, let's get moving, shall we?" Luke asked heading towards the cockpit. With that the gang took off. "We're making the jump to hyperspace in 3... 2... 1... This is where the fun begins!"

The ship zoomed off into hyperspace. Next stop: Coruscant, 22 BBY.
Disclaimer: I don't own worth a lightsaber. All credit goes to the people at LucasFilm and George Lucas.

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