Part 39: From Awkward to Informative

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Part 39: From Awkward to Informative

Year: 2038

Time: 8:20am

Location: Personal Quarters, Stratostation, Upper Atmosphere, Earth-Space

Level: Level 2

I woke up with the earth below me and Kate above me. She had crawled over me in the morning just to hug me and fell asleep again after not being able to wake me up.

She had such a peaceful and tranquil look on her face. I really didn't want to wake her.

I manage to free my left arm without disturbing her and I gently stroked the back of her head. It was so soft, like the softest pillow I could ever find.

While on the subject of pillows, with Kate on top of me, the back of my head was un-plush-ing the pillows that surrounded my head.

I wasn't complaining of course. I was in a sea of softness and someone warm and soft was also caressing me. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment.

I heard Kate's voice echo in my head as she called my name again and again.

"Alex? Alex! Hey, um I think you are enjoying yourself too much, Alex"

The warm softness suddenly stops and I open my eyes wide.

I saw Kate start to push herself off me and I reached a hand out to her.


"Um, Goodmorning..." Her face was so red and I didn't know why.

"Are you okay?" I pull her close to reach out to touch her forehead, thinking she was ill, but she gasps and pulls strongly away.

"No no no! Alex, let me go!"

I don't understand why she feels so afraid all of a sudden.

Kate picked up a pillow and pressed it onto her beating chest as she was desperately trying to hold herself up with her hands to keep her body away from mine.

She looked at me and noticed the confused look on my face and then moved her knee and bumped against a part of me I didn't realise was awake earlier than I was.

"You were... pulling me close to that." She says, looking away.

I realised that I was wrapping my leg around one of hers and didn't give her a way to get free. There was nothing much between us apart from the nightwear we had on.

I moved it away and she stood up on her knees and quickly backed away, still clutching the pillow. The last time we were together I slept with the thought of keeping her safe in mind. This time I was enjoying my own fantasies. So I guess this would happen in the morning.

"So that was your..." Kate was blushing deep scarlet, she looked like she was almost about to start biting her nails.

I clambered for words, "I-uh that was...was because you felt so soft in my arms and I loved how you were cuddling me."

Kate nodded in acceptance for what she did but she did not know that something would happen because of that. "Thank you for last night." she said.

"Does that mean that you find me attractive?" Kate let for of the pillow and let it drop to the floor.

I smiled at her, "I always have, you know that."

Kate smiled, then she took a moment to stare down at me, to which I turned away, a little shy from the angle of her eyes as she was obviously look at me.

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