New Fad: Getting back at someone in an old-fashioned sort of way

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I've come to find out that there is a new way to retaliate against those who piss you off. Well, it's not exactly a "new" way of doing things just a NEW spin on an OLD method. You may have heard or seen the stories of people throwing flaming bags of dog shit on their crabby neighbors porch.

Apparently now-a-days the new fad is to use your own shit and don't put it in a bag. If someone pisses-you-off drop your pants and drop a load. It could be on the front door step, hood of their Mercedes or on their desk at school/work.

In fact, I've been explained and on several occassions that grouchy college professors, ex bosses, noisy neighbors and crazy drivers have been marked as victims to such mayhem.

So, next time you get canned, don't go to the can, take our your rage on your bosses desk. Be sure you've gathered all of your belongings and be prepared to never show your face again because they may file a police report. Afterall, I'm sure your executive-boss/boss-who-thinks-he's-an-executive wouldn't throw the shit into his own garbage can. There would be boxes full of rubber gloves, bleach, and possibly DNA testing involved.

Happy trails!

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