C h a p t e r 6

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Ava took a step back in fear.

Somehow, Niall had taken off the sock out of his mouth.

"She knocked me out and then tied me up! Ava! You tied me up! Harry, she even shut me up. I gave her food! That little b-" his angry rant was cut off by Harry's harsh glare toward him.

Niall stopped twisting around as Harry looked at him.

He then turned his vicious glare to Ava. He stomped towards her and dragged her out the room, leaving an angry and screaming Naill behind.

"Explain." He seethed.

"Well, um...I-I-I found a rope a-and I s-shoved a s-sock in h-his mouth." She stuttered, looking down. Her cheeks burned in embarrassment.

"Ava.." Harry sighed and shook his head. He stared at her sparkling eyes that still twinkled with hidden mischief.

Her eyes took him to a different world. A beautiful world. She looked at him, her stare so pure, so hypnotic. He was so close to her that he saw the blue flecks in her eyes.

"I'm still bloody tied!"


Four weeks later

Ava looked at herself in the mirror.

Her black gown swaying as she moved. It was beautiful. Even a little magical. She paired it with nude heels and a diamond neckless.

She knew for sure that if Emma was here, she'd be proud that finally she's not wearing something bright.

Ava thought of Emma and sighed. Harry would not allow her to make a phone call to anyone.

Niall, although still slightly angry of last time, has become her friend. Her only friend. He actually picked her outfit for the special event this evening.

As for Harry, he was rarely in the house. God knows what he does when he's gone. But this morning, he came in and told her to get dressed for an event. He left quickly after that.

Niall burst through the door.

"Alright, you should be done..." Niall's words died on his lips as he looked at her.

She stood there, the dress hugging at every curve. The opening near her chest was so..eye pleasing.

Even in the darkest colors, she managed to be radiant.

"We should get going. Harry is waiting downstairs." He cleared his throat. He didn't meet her eyes, looking everywhere but her.

A couple of long seconds past of awkward silence.

"Niall." Ava said softly, standing in front of him.

"Yeah?" He asked, looking down at her. Even though still in heels, she was slightly shorter than Niall.

"Can we go now?" She smiled, causing his cheeks to burn a bright red.

"Of course." He linked his arm in hers as they descended from the polished stairs.

But there, stood Harry, looking annoyed as he saw Niall and Ava's closeness. He wanted to glare at Nail but he couldn't tear his eyes away from the beautiful young woman in front of him.

He ripped his eyes away and stomped foward. Niall and Ava shared a confused look before following.


Harry greeted many of his men. He was shaking hands with one of his top men, when he noticed her again.

She was sitting at the bar alone with a fruity drink in hand. She looked bored and Harry felt a little pity.

"Danny couldn't make it today, sir. He is taking care of his ill son." Jack, one of his men, informed.

Harry nodded and when he glanced back to Ava, a man with a dark crisp suit, was sitting with Ava. His back was turned to Harry so he couldn't identify him.

Ava laughed at something he said and Harry found himself wanting to hear that sound more often. He also found himself wanting to get rid of the man.

She blushed as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Harry wanted to be the cause to make her shy and not this man. But Harry knew clearly that he took away her freedom and for that, she should hate him.

But Harry felt like he needed to protect her from him. He frowned, running a hand through his lush curls. He couldn't bring himself to go to her.

Suddenly, the man got too close her and Harry felt alarmed. The man stood up, turning around and slithered an arm around Ava's waist.

Harry's eyes widened and he was not angry. He was furious. His fingers fisted and his throat grew dry. His nostrils flared angrily. Harry's breathing got deeper and he felt himself shaking.

It was the hatred he felt for the man with Ava. Harry wanted to rip his head off. Because it wasn't just any man.

It was Louis Tomlinson. The man that took everything from Harry. Including Ava, and she wasn't even his yet.

Louis caught Harry's stare and smirked. The bastard smirked.


Omg so um...yeah this is kinda bad. I'm probably the only one reading this but...

I hope you enjoyed.

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