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   I find it ironic that I am always asking myself, what am I doing with my life, but in reality, I am spending half my life asking that same question so technically I already know the answer.

Here I am doodling a pencil with a face on the test my math teacher passed out nearly twenty minutes ago and I have yet to fill anything in. I cringe as a throat ripping cough echoes throughout the room. I swear to god I will slap the next person who coughs near me.

I tap my foot to an imaginary rhythm. "Ms. Longwood. Bring your test up here please. I am guessing you are completed with it seeing how you keep disrupting my class with your off beat feet."

    Quiet laughs could be heard throughout the room. Calm your self, peers. It wasn't that funny. "I'm not finished yet, sorry ms." I wanted to shout out at her, And my feet aren't off beat your hearing aids just aren't turned up high enough! But I didn't. I was raised to be a civilized angsty teenage girl.

   And not to mention I'd get with chased with a chancla later at home if I spoke to Ms.Wrings that way. If you did not know a chancla is a weapon (sandal) often used to scare little Hispanic/Latina/Spanish children.

And don't even start with what's the difference thing. There is a difference. I am Cuban so therefore I am Hispanic. If I was from Spain then I would be Spanish. And if I were to be from Brazil for example I would be Latina. There you go.

    And don't even ask how a pure Hispanic girl like me ended up with a name like Carter Longwood.

   "Get back to work Ms. Longwood, I don't want to have to talk to you again." I nodded and went back to my doodle. My long wavy brown hair fell in front of my face and cascaded onto my tan arm. I was gonna fail this class anyway so who cares.

      I'm in AP math so if I drop down I won't fall that far down.

     Another ten minutes or so pass and the bell finally rings and I am the first to dash out of the class room. It is lunch. Can you blame me. Oh wait, I think I forgot to hand in my test. Oh well. If I go back then I'll miss out on all the chicken nuggets. Somehow, while I was paying more attention on my long strides rather than my surroundings, I crash into an actual wall.

     How did I do that? I have no idea. The world is filled with the most amazing curiosities and this just happens to be one.

     It doesn't really make sense how a person like me, Carter Longwood, could ever bump into walls. Because I am oh so great at paying attention. Note my sarcasm. This happens at least once a week. I am honestly surprised I am not dead or a vegetable. Tragic.

     I finally arrive at the lunch room and see my friend, Maya, already elbows deep in the chicken nugget bucket-tray-thing in the lunch line. The lunch lady is yelling at her and using her tongs to try and scare Maya away.

     I sigh and go find a seat. Now I have to look like a loner while my friend goes and eats all the chicken nuggets. Lucky b—

  My thoughts were cut off when a loud tray hitting the table startles me. "That damn lunch lady wouldn't give me all the nuggets." Maya complained and I just shook my head at her and smiled. "Are you gonna go up or not?" She asked poking my forehead from across the table.

  "I planned on it but I am feeling super lazy. So I think I'll just steal yours." I say with a shrug of my shoulder. She looked at me blankly.

   "No honey, you won't." She said sweetly but I knew if I tried taking one there'd be hell to pay. There were cheering voices and loud voices coming from the center table. Maya and I both looked over their to see the usual "cool kids."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2018 ⏰

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