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Bam. Something hit my side. Bam! This time it hit harder. Ugh, who is this person? Can't they see I'm sleeping. 

Bam! "Clare! Clare! Get up!!" I groaned. Who the hell was that? "Mmmm...leave me alone." I mumbled. The person sighed. "Well Clare you gave me no choice." The person opened my bedroom door and left. I sighed in content. Finally. Now its just me, myself, and my bed. 

When I was finally going back into my dream state someone opened my door and..

CLANK! CLANK! CLANK! I opened my eyes and fell off my bed. 

"WHAT THE HECK!?" I screamed. I stood up and looked at the person who was responsible for this. 

My best friend, Angela was stand in the middle of my room holding a pan and spoon which she used to wake me up. I glared at her, "Angie what the hell?!" Angie started to laugh, "Oh my god you should have seen your face!" She laughed and laughed until she was on the floor clutching her stomach. 

"Very funny, Angie. So funny I forgot to laugh." I said. What time was it anyway? I looked at my window the curtains still closed and blocking the sunshine. I looked at my clock. 

10:30 a.m. I looked at Angie, "What do you want? It's Saturday!" She finally stopped laughing and sat down on my bed. "Well I was gonna tell you we're going to get some breakfeast since you just woke up." 

Hmmm...breakfeast. Sounds nice. "Okay, I'll be down in a bit. Now leave. Shoo." I said and she got out of the room. I went to my bathroom and got ready for they day. 


A few minutes later I walked down the stairs and walking into the kitchen. I found Angie sitting on a stool looking out the window. "Hey ready?" I asked. She nodded, "Hey wheres your mom?" I shrugged, "I don't she's probably still at the hospital." My mother was a doctor and she loved her job. SHe loved helping those who needed it. 

I grabbed my keys, some money, and my phone. We walked out my house and got into Angie's car. Now let me tell you this Angie's car was something. It was an old truck but Angie and I acted like it was our golden carriage it took us where we needed to go. 

"Hey you know what." Angie began. I smiled, "What? Your gonna get married?" She glared at me, "No. Clare I'm never gonna get married I'm gonna die a cat lady." I laughed, "No you won't You'll find your prince." 

"Anyway, since Thanksgiving break is coming up guess what comes after?" I groaned. Oh no....

"Oh yes! Black Friday! Shopping time!" Dammit. Curse you black friday. I hope you die soon. I hate Black Friday. People like me don't belong there. One reason only. You had to be there all night and half your morning which means no sleep. No sleep. I fall apart and someone dies. Plain and simple. 

"Aw, Angie please don't make me go!" I begged. "Please! I don't want to go! It's horrible! I'll miss my sleep! I need to sleep Ang! You wouldn't do something that horrible to me?" 

Angie rolled her eyes, "Stop being so dramatic! You'll be fine. We're not gonna camp out there. We'll just be there for a few hours in the morning." 

"But" I began and was completely cut off by Angie, "No 'but's or excuses." I frowned. "Anyways I'm paying for your breakfeast so might as well be nice and come with me." I sighed, "Fine. Fine." She smiled.

"I hate you by the way." 

"Aw, and I love you too." 


I was totally going to regret my decision later. Because shopping with Angie was like a never ending shopping spree. Store after store after store and if you didn't move well Angie took care of that. She dragged you whether people were watching or not. 

At least it was a few weeks away... I thought. I walked to my room and laid down on my bed. Ah, how I missed it. I think I'll buy a book there or something and I do need to get out more. I just stay home if it weren't for Angie I'd probably just sleep, watch TV, read and do that over and over. 

I guess everything will turn out okay. I hope. I grabbed my phone and texted one of my other friends, Peter. 


Peter: Hey

Me: Did you tell Angie?

Peter: About what? Black Friday? Clare I think everyone would know..

Me: No not that! Did you tell her 'Hey Ang you know you should take Clare." 

Peter: Oh that, yep. 

I gasped. That jerk. 

Me: Asshole. You know I don't like going to that! 

Peter: Well you don't get out of your house. Your like a vampire. 

Me: I am not!

Peter: Yes, yes you are. Dont; worry about it though I'll be there too 

Me: Oh, like thats gonna help me. Why are you gonna go?

Peter: Rose wants me to take her. 

Rose was Peter's little sister. She was two years younger than him. Peter has been my best friend since we were in kindergarden. We'd met on the playground. He wouldn't let anyone go down the slide and no one wanted to distrub him. So one day I finally got annoyed climbed up the ladder and pushed him off the slide. You can say I was a hero to everyoee that day. 

Me: hahaha, wow

Peter: yea, yea, yea go to sleep Clare. 

Me: Can't its still day, duh. Use your head Pete. 

Peter: Fine then go jump off something. 

Me: I swear you get weird every day. C'mon lets go do something. The three of us! Movie?

Peter: Yea sure see you there. 

We said our goodbyes and I left once again to go to the movies. Might was well enjoy the rest of my weekend. 


Hi! (: So comment? Vote? Tell others about my story? Please? Dedicated to Em! Hi!!! :) 

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