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I think destiny has a funny way of connecting people to be honest. When something happens thay we don't want what to we do? Well blame it one someone. Anyone because wit just seems easier. But destiny is sneaky. 

Thanksgiving came quicker than I expected. As I was getting ready for Thanksgiving dinner in my room the door bell rang. I heard my mother walk out the kitchen and went to answer the door. Laughs, screams, and my best friends voice filled the living room. 

"Where is Clarissa?!" 

Dammit I actually thought I could've skipped being in a room with people but no. I opened my door and walked downstairs before she could come upsairs. 

"Here." I said as I walked down;. Angie smiled, "Oh stop frowning you look pretty."

"i agree." Pete said. I stuck my tongue out. "Don't like children." They rolled their eyes and smiled at me. I was wearing a cream colored dress with flowers all over and I wore a black leather jacket with my black converse plus I curled my hair. 

My friends and I sat down in the lving room waiting to be called for diinner. All my family was here plus Pete's and Angela's. 

"Oh! Remember Clare we're going shopping later!" Angela kindly reminded me. I groaned, "You know if it wasn't for that food next door I would kill you."

Angela looked at Pete with horror, "Help me!" Pete shrugged, "No can do." I looked at him, "Your idea. Your buying me 5 books." He rolled his eyes, "2" i glared, "No. 4" H sighed, "Fine." 


The party was still going and it was 11 am. Pete and Angie left to get some sleep before we left. But being me I stayed up till 12 eating all the glorious food my mother had prepared. What? I was hungry. So around 1 I went upstairs and fell asleep. 


Around 6 am guess who came along. Angela. How she woke me up...she could have been dead lets just say that. 

"C'mon Angie! Keep up!" she said for the billionth time. Hey I was trying but she took my sleep away from me. "But I'm tired!" 

Angie shrugged, "Not my fault you went to sleep late." I sighed. When we entered the mall to say it was filled is an understatment. Everywhere you looked there was people. Line were outside the stores, people waking in huge crowds. Kids getting frusrated and crying. Black Friday was a mess. 

"Look at this! Angie! You can't be serious you still want to go!" Angie got her determined face on, "I will and I am. Lets go." 

For the next few hours I spent walking and running, and holding clothes and waiting for my friend. I was tired, hungry, and well furstrated. Where the hell was Peter?! I pulled out my phone and texted him. 

Me: Where the hell are you Adams?!

A few seconds later he responded back. 

Pete: In a line with my sister. :\ Where r u?

Me: With Angela.....stuck in a store. Its been hours! Let me remind you I haven't ate!

Pete: Oh hush, you always eat. Don't worry we'll eat later. 

Frustrated I put my phone away and waited for Angela to pay. She had 6 bags of clothes while I had 1. i wnated to get my books Pete owed me. Angela walked over to me and we continued our way. When she finally decided it would be the last store she went to a seating area they had in the mall and shet set down her bags and looked at me. 

"Okay Clare this is the last store."

I sighed of relief. "Thank you God." Angie rolled her eyes, "Anwway I need you to stay out here and watch the bags and don't go any where! I mean it Clare." 

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, yeah go to your store Ang." Angie turned around and walked away. 

Lets just say I people could lose me easily it wasn't my fault. I liked to walk around and 20 minutes later I got bored. I looked around and guess what I saw? A candy store! Right next to the store Angie went in. My stomach growled well if there wasn't food candy will do. Hey that rhymed that last part. Angie was gonna take much linger in the store so I thought why not ? I'll just look around the store quickly and leave. I stood up and asked the lady sitting next to me if she could watch the bags while I checked the candy store quickly. The lady smiled and nodded. 

I ran to the candy store. It wasn't crowded like the rest of the mall. There were a few kids and parents tasting some candy. I smiled and started to walk around. I inhaled and chocolate filled my nose. I sighed, I should really come back here later. Now! Where do I begin tasting?

The store had a rule: you could taste any candy you wanted. Well don't mind if I do. I started tasting a fee chocolates I thought it was interesting. When some gummy worms, gummy bears, lollypops, gum, and anything I could see. 

When I made it to the corner of the store they had a big machine labeled: cotton candy. I gasped I love this store. Best shopping trip ever! 

"it's just cotton candy you know." 

i turned around and looked at who spoke. I narrowed my eyes. Andrew Parker. "I don't want to be mean but what are yo doing here?" 

He looked at me then shrugged, "I don't know." I turned around and continued my way to the cotton candy. "Plus I've been watching you for the past 10 minutes stuffing your face with candy." 

I turned around again, "What?" 

"You like candy." 

"Well who doesn't plus I kinda don't want to be shopping with my friend so candy is a good plan."  He looked at me weird after that but I payed no attention to him after that. I finally got some cotton candy. I sighed in content, I could stay here all day. 

"Your weird." Andrew stated. I shrugged, "Better than people saying other things about me so shut up Parker." 

He furrowed his eyebrows, "You know me?" I rolled my eyes, "Who doesn't know the school's bad boy?" 

"I'm not really."

I scoffed, "Sure, anyways Parker leave me alone would you? I'm trying to plan my wedding with this cotton candy. Go bother someone else." 

For once Andrew seemed surprise. Yeah cause no one tells him to fuck off. I continued to eat come cotton candy till I couldn't. I walked away passing Andrew and patting him on the back, "By the way, Parker if your still wondering. Those bags out there aren't mine."

Of course I knew he saw me walked in and leave all those bags behind. Once I left the store it hit me. I just talked to Andrew Parker and no lighting blot came to struck me. 


Hiiiii!! Sorry if this sucked...I got tired half way. 


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2014 ⏰

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