First day

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Hope you enjoy

Elsa's POV

I woke up to my roommates squealing for joy and honestly I have no idea why. "Why are you girls squealing?" I asked. They finally stopped. "Ummmmmm..... dahh cause Jack Frost is here and you, Elsa Arendale. Its amazing." Heather said like she's my 1 fan. " Uhhhh yea I get that a lot." I said rubbing the back of my neck and find myself thinking about Jack. Im smiling and I think the girls noticed. "What are you smiling about Elsa?" asked Punzie. " Ummmm nothing I was I was just thinking yea just thinking." Oh man Im such a bad lier and there smiling like idiots. "Are you sure Elsa do you have a little, little crush on Jack cause we all could see that you were just staring at him last night dreamily." Punzie said teasingly and smirking. Really, was I looking at Jack? do I like Jack? Ugh what is this feeling? iv'e never felt it before? I sigh. "No its just Jack reminds me of my mother." and I realise it was true. He does remind me of my mother but i know he isn't my brother. " What do you mean ' reminds you of my mother?" asks Astrid she was the only one who wasn't squealing. I sigh again. " My mother died when I was just three years old she was doing spells and one of them hit her and killed her. You see Im a halfblood and my mother was a witch and my dad is a muggle. He just reminds me of my mother." I say sadly. They all look at me with sorrow. I sigh and get ready and go to first class.

Jack's POV

I couldn't take my eye's of Elsa and I don't know why. She's just so beautiful wait what are you thinking Jack. Its time for flight class with professor Tooth and me and Elsa are apparently naturals. Hans threw hiccups  rememberall ball and I had to go catch and guess what, I think I got in trouble with Professor gothil, she's the head of Gryffindor. But I didn't I got into the Gryffindor quidditch  team and apparently I'm the youngest player ever since 100 years ago. Anyway that was my first day I wonder how everyone else's went.

I know short chappie but I'm sick and I can't think straight anyway hope you enjoyed. Till then cya meh minions. 

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