Visiting the three headed dog

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Jack's POV

So now its time to go to class yay, not! I was heading towards transfiguration with professor tooth and Astrid. "Yea so Elsa isn't going to be here today she had to go and do some stuff with acting and singing apparently" says Astrid. I nod and hum at the same time but really at the moment I'm thinking about the three headed dog, don't get me wrong I do miss Elsa cause she really helped me out getting away from the overlands at christmas and helping me with this famous stuff, man I really need to repay Elsa. So the three headed dog? I feel like we need to go back I mean moon wouldn't keep a three headed dog in school for no reason, right? "Hey, you there? Did you even hear what I said?" Asks Astrid. "Oh, um no, sorry I was thinking" I answer and rub the back my neck awkwardly. She sighs. "I just said that Elsa wanted to ask if u wanted a  check out the three headed dog with Hiccup and I tomorrow because she is getting curious" She explains. "Yes definitely yes I've thinking about that and moon wouldn't just keep a three headed dog in the school for no reason" I say and explain my thoughts. She looks at me and smiles. I look at her quizzically. "What are you smiling about?" I ask. She just smiles and walks of. Ugh girls what are they like. I shake my head. "Cmon sis we don't want to be late for Tooth's class" I say. She smiles and we start running to class. 

After class

I caught up to Hiccup and we started to walk to Herbology. "Hey"He says. "Hey whats up?, you seem quiet" I say. He shrugs and looks at Astrid who is walking with Rupunzel who then goes her own way and Astrid comes over to us. I frown and we walk in silence. Once we get to class everything goes fast and then class is over and so is the day. 

Hiccup's POV

"Hey whats up? you seem quiet" I shrug and look at Astrid. 

What happened earlier

"AAAAhhhhhh" I yelled as I was running away from Hans and some of his crew, I turn the corner and slam!!! I bumped into someone. I look down and see Astrid laying there under my arms I accidentally pushed her over landing on top of her but not exactly on top of her my arms where outstretched luckily so I didn't fall on top of her and hurt her. I gulp. "S-s-sorry I-I didn't mean to" I stutter. She looks at my eyes. Ok I admit it I have a crush on Astrid, it only started this year and well I can't not have a crush on her. "Um are you gonna get off of me now?" I hear her ask. "Oh y-y-yea o-of course" I say and get of her. I blush and help her up. I turn around when I hear 'Hiccup you are sooo dead' I gulp when Hans, Thuggory and Dagger appear around the corner. "Umm sorry for bumping into you but I gotta go they kinda want me cya" I rush and run of again.  

Astrid's POV 

Ooooohhhfffff. I lie there on the ground. I look up and see Hiccup basically on top of me. "S-s-sorry I-I didn't mean to" He stutters. I nod silently. Ok I admit I have a little crush on Hiccup but it's not a full crush. "Um are you gonna get off of me now?" I ask. "Oh y-y-yea o-of course" He says and gets of me. Hiccup helps me up. I turn and look at the corner when I hear a 'Hiccup you are sooo dead' I see him gulp when Hans, Thuggory and Dagger come into view. "Umm sorry for bumping into you but I gotta go they kinda want me cya" He says quickly as he runs away, Hans, Thuggory and Dagger right behind him. I watch him go then pick up my stuff then head to transfiguration where I catch up to Jack.

In Gryffindor dorm

Still Astrid's POV

I was sitting here with Jack waiting for Elsa to come back. I sigh and remember what happened earlier today. Jack looks at me with confusion on his face. "Ok what happened sis, Hiccup keeps looking at you and your back and he's been quiet and you haven't talked to me a lot and when you do it's cautious and you blush" He asks and I blush. I tell him what happened and he laughed. I raise a eyebrow. I mean whats so funny? He looks at me then stops laughing. "I guess you have a crush on him?" He asks. I blush then Elsa comes in. I look at her relieved. She looks at me confused and raises an eyebrow. I shake my head and show her that I will tell her later.

Later on in Gryffindor lounge room

Elsa's POV

I was talking to Jack and Astrid when I remember the three headed dog. Maybe we could visit it tonight but we would need to visit Hiccup and pick him up and frankly we can't get into the Hufflepuff common room because we don't have the password. "Hey guys are we going to see the three headed dog?" I ask. They stop there conversation and look at me. "Well yea I guess remember I still haven't seen this dog" Says Astrid. Jack nods his head. "Well how are we supposed to tell Hiccup?" I ask. I see Astrid blush a bit and I look at her and she blushes more, I smirk at her an she hits my shoulder, Jack laughs and looks at Astrid. She blushes more. "Ok what is it?" She asks exasperated. "You loooooovvvvvvveeeeee hhhhiiiimmmm" Jack and I say together. "I don't love him ok, it's just a small crush" she say infuriated. "Ok ok we'll stop" says Jack. I nod at her. "So how are we supposed to tell Hiccup and pick him up?" I ask. Jack puts up his finger and grabs his phone that a bought him. He starts texting and then he smirks, I wonder what he's texting but I sorta can guess. "Well Hiccups getting ready now so I'll meet you down here." He then whispers. "Get in black clothes and soft shoes" We nod and we go up to our dorm.  

In the invisibility cloak

Astrid's POV

Ok, this was definitely Elsa's idea. She and Jack put me next to Hiccup, but Elsa is next to Jack and she definitely didn't think about that. She and I are both a blushing mess. We walk to the third floor and to the door where the three headed dog is. Elsa opens the door and as soon as we get in quiet as a mouse we take of the cloak. Jack uses one of the spells we know and we then get to see everything in the room. I gasp I didn't think that a three headed dog was real, I mean come on I thought they were making it up. I look at the three sleeping heads, then the body then the feet where I saw a trap door. I point at it and they look at gasp. We grab the cloak and head back to our dorms. Before we drop of Hiccup I whisper to him what I think is under that trap door and then we go of to our dorm. Once we reach our dorm Elsa says the code and we get in. There are still people here so what we do is Jack drops us close to our dorm and then he goes to his dorm. Me and Elsa then walk down and then Jack comes a few minutes later so it looked like we didn't just appear from no where. As we where sitting down I look at Elsa then at Jack. "Ok so I saw a trap door" They nod. "And I think the Ice stone is in there" They look at me then they nod. "What is it with you guys, you're not talking and that isn't you guys" I say. They look at me then each other. "Well you see it's not just that. It's that we saw a flute and I think that's how you have to get that dog to sleep" says Elsa. Yea thats reasonable. "Well I'm going to bed" I say then get up and leave to go to bed. 

Hey guys!!!!!! I'm back. I know I know. It took me aggggeeeeesssss. But I'm back. I hoped you enjoyed it and yea. So until next time cya later meh minions. 

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