First day back

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In this fanfic Levi is taller than Eren~

Eren's PoV:

'Beep! beep! beep!' I'm woken up by the blaring sound of my alarm clock. I groan and slam my hand down on it, checking the time. It's 06:15. Great, Its gone off late. Just then, Mikasa, my adopted sister, bursts into my room, "Eren come on you're not even dressed yet we're gonna miss the bus!" With that we both sigh and I hop out of bed as she chucks me some black skinny jeans and a long sleeved gray shirt.
"Thanks Mikasa.. and sorry I think I need a new alarm." She just sighs again and smiles at me as I throw my clothes on and grab my bag.

Running down stairs I make some coffee in a thermo mug for me and Mikasa as she puts some toast on and spreads it with butter. I grab my toast and hand her her coffee as we leave the house locking the door behind us.

Ok. I'm Eren Yeager. I'm 16 years old and I live with my adopted sister Mikasa. Her family was close to mine so when her parents were murdered we took her in, until my father killed my mother along with many others and was sentenced to a death penalty.. sometimes I find it hard to believe my own father, once so kind and caring could do such a thing.. anyway, Mikasa and I do just fine on our own and school has been great so far, well at least not bad..
Of course our mother left us money, and lots of it, our parents were extremely wealthy. Even so we moved to a smaller house so as to save money.

Broken from my chain of thoughts, Mikasa taps my shoulder and points to the bus. I hop into the bus and head to the back, plugging in my headphones and playing twenty øne piløts as I take a seat. I let out a soft sigh and allow myself to sink back into the seat, closing my eyes.

I ponder if something great, my lungs will fill and then deflate, they fill with fire, exhale desire, I know it's dire my time today..

My body tenses up and I give in, letting thoughts cloud my mind..

I have these thoughts so often I ought to replace that slot with what I once bought, cus some body stole my car radio and now I just sit in silence...

'If only I was strong enough to have helped mum that day... intelligent enough to see what my dad was doing...'

Sometimes, quiet is violent, I find it hard to hide it, my pride is no longer inside it's on my sleeve my skin will scream reminding me of who I killed, inside my dream I hate this car that I'm driving there's no hiding for me...

'If only I wasn't weak.. and stupid.. I'm pathetic and useless...' Soon more thoughts flood into my mind about my past and a single, lonely drop that falls gently down my cheek turns into a steady flow of tears.

I'm forced to deal with what I feel, there is no distraction to mask what is real...

I turn my face away and bury my head in my knees that I pull close to my chest. My mind had completely gone and I lose track of time as I'm bought back to reality by a tall raven tapping my shoulder gently.

Levi's PoV:

Tch.. filthy. I'll have to clean my house after school. I look around for my bag and once I spot it I sling it over my shoulder and leave the house, ignoring breakfast. Locking the door behind me, I jog to the bus stop.

Climbing into the bus, I see there's not much space. Tch, I'll have to sit next to a stranger. Looking around I see a space near the back next to a boy. Walking over, I notice something off.. he's.... he's crying..

I stand above the seat next to him and tap his shoulder gently. He looks up and me and holy shit- his eyes.. they're like a marbled mixture between a beautiful ocean blue and a soft teal green.. they're so delicate and gorgeous.. I could gaze into them all goddamn day... glancing at his body I blush slightly as I see his skinny jeans and top, and his messy chocolate hair that-

WAIT what the hell am I thinking?! How the hell did I blush??? Cause of this kid?!! Damnit Levi pull yourself together, he's just a brat!

However I instantly feel regret as I hear a small sniff and I look at him to see tears streaming down his face. I feel my heart pang with a newfound feeling, and I curse myself for feeling like this.. this is the first time I've ever seen him and yet I'm reacting like this..

I hear someone cough rather rudely behind me and I realise I've been blocking the path on the bus. I mentally curse myself.
"Hey brat can I sit here?" I felt like I should ask first I mean, he is crying after all.. he looks at me and nods. I feel his eyes on me even as I sit so I look at him again to see him gazing into my eyes. I think he recognises me. Oh shit, not good.. I feel my heartbeat speed up.

I can't hold it back  and I ask him what's wrong, "Hey.. what's wrong?" I've never in my life acted this way to someone before I have no idea why I'm being so nice I usually just block people out and don't give a shit.

"Are you talking to me..?" He looked slightly taken aback.
"Yes brat who else would I be talking to?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "Well are you gonna tell me or not??"

He just sniffed a little and mumbled, "I'm not a brat.."

Oh god. He's so adorable..! Ok Levi calm down WAIT DID I JUST CSLL HIM ADORABLE?!! Screw this he's crying he won't tell me what's wrong the least I can do is try help him.

I slowly turn to face him, "Ok what's your name?"

"My name is Eren. Eren Yeager." He replies. Eren~ I love the way his name sounds.. it's almost calming..

"Well Eren.." I reach my hand to his cheek and wipe away the tears from his face softly and his eyes widen as he blushes. I smirk to myself. He's blushing..

"Eren.. don't cry... I'm Levi. But you probably already know me anyway.." as I say this he scans me as and his increase to the size of source pans. I guess he didn't realise who I was before.

Wow that chapter was long... Tbh this is my first fanfic soooooo
Hope you enjoy~
I'll publish more later today~

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