Love or lust? (A lesbian love story)

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She looked at me from across the table, her brooding eyes giving me a warm feeling in my stomach. She smiled as she caught me staring back. The bell rang, ending 2nd period. I stood up and packed my things, when I felt someone behind me.

I looked to see her staring at me with a slight smile.

"Hey" she said.

"Uh, hello." I said nervously.

"I noticed you sit by yourself at lunch...mind if I join you?"

I stood there shocked at her words. She wanted to sit with me? No way.

"Um, yeah sure if you'd like."

She followed me to the downstairs hallways where I usually sat. We both sat down awkwardly. She sprawled out her legs and then crossed them, her plaid skirt reaching mid-thigh. Noticing the length of her skirt I felt something in my stomach. Damn, I thought. Those legs...

Now of course, I've never been with a girl. I didn't notice an attraction to them till 8th grade when I had my first crush on a girl. She lead me only to leave me in the dust of her and her boyfriend.

I haven't had any real interest in dating a girl since then. Also because I'm scared. Being with a girl is completely different than a guy, which is what I've always been with oddly enough.

"I noticed you have really good artistic talents. I'm impressed." She said.

"Oh, well thank you. I've just kind of..done it all my life really. And I've seen your talent, it's great as well."

She simply smiled at that and lifted her leg a bit, her skirt revealing more of her legs. God how that made me feel inside.


We spent our lunch talking about music we liked, things of interests to us. After a few weeks of eating lunch together every day, we knew so much about each other. I felt so close to this girl in the few weeks I've known her than I have with my best friend of four years.

I started walking to my car when I heard someone shout my name. It was pouring rain on a Friday afternoon and all I wanted to do was go home.

"Anna, wait up!" Haley yelled as she ran in my direction.

She was wearing a black tank with green bomber jacket and skin tight ripped jeans. The clothes clung to her like static, and I noticed every crevice of her body. As soon as she walked up I opened my passenger door for her.

"Thank you!" She said, her hair dripping water all over the place.

"No problem at all. Did you need a ride?"

"Yeah, I need a ride home. I was wondering if you wanted to come over. Like, if you're not busy or anything. I totally get if you are.." She said, slowly looking down.

"Not at all. Let me just call my dad and let him know I'm heading to your house.

"Great!" She said smiling brightly.

I pulled into her driveway behind a Subaru, and put my car into park.

We both got out of the car and ran to the doorway, pushing to get out of the wet and cold.

Her house was beautiful, covered in wood flooring. A woman stood at the counter making a smoothie.

"Hey mom, this is Anna. I invited her over for a bit." She said introducing me to her mother.

She smiled at me and shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you Mrs..?"

"Just call me Jen, please!"

I nodded and took my shoes off.

"Okay well we are going to my room so let me know if you need anything. Love you!" Haley said, dragging me along behind her.

She brought me to a room at the end of a hallway, and opened the door.

The room was a light hazelnut color, with a bench window seat to the right and a big bed to the left. Twinkle lights hung from the ceiling. Her room was so perfect. She sat her things down on the floor and jumped onto her bed. She patted the space next to her.

I hesitantly walked over and sat down. We both sat there for a few minutes, until we heard footsteps walk upstairs.

" I've been wanting to talk to you Anna..." Haley started to say.

I sat there nervously.


She fidgeted with the hem of her shirt.

"You're such a good friend, and I'm glad I introduced myself to you. You're so sweet and I can tell you everything and we only have just met. And it's weird...I feel I should tell you. I'm..a lesbian."

I sat there and suddenly chuckled. She looked at me in confusion.

"That's..kind of a relief. Because I'm not a lesbian..but I do question my sexuality. I've..never been with a girl before."

She smiled, except this smile was filled with a sexiness.

"Oh really?" She said.

I looked down shyly. "Yes".

She scooted over, and I could feel my face heat up. Oh how I wanted her to touch me, to make me feel something. Her hand slowly moved to my thigh, slowly beginning to stroke it. I jerked away suddenly feeling uncomfortable.

She took it wrong. "I'm so sorry Anna, I shouldn't have an--"

"No Haley, you're fine. It's just, I've never done this before. I'm scared..."

She smiled warmly this time, taking my hand in hers.

"We don't have to do anything unless you want to. I can show you, teach you. Whatever you'd like."

She waited patiently for my reply. Finally, I got up my nerve. I leaned into her coconut-smelling hair, breathing in the scent. I slowly kissed her neck, brushing my lips across her skin. I heard her sigh softly, as she placed her hand on my hips.

This wasn't so hard after all.


If you liked this story so far, please let me know! I will continue if people read this and like it. It's my first time writing and using this app. Thanks!


Love or lust? (A lesbian love story)Where stories live. Discover now