First Day 📝

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                                 Desiree's POV

       I pounded up the school steps as fast as I could. Flinging the door open, I sprinted down the empty halls looking for room 284. I really should came to orientation so I could see where my classes would be this semester. As I was running, I could feel the eyes of the few kids left in the halls on me. Last year I was fairly popular and a fair amount of people knew me.

       I looked on my sheet to look for my locker number. It was 32 and I looked up and gratefully  saw it wasn't far away; I was at number 28 right now. I walked the bit I needed to find my locker and pulled out everything from my backpack.

        I hung up a little shelf and a few magnetic baskets in the locker. Then I took out all of my extra supplies and organized everything I didn't need for today.

       I stood back after a few minutes and looked at my organized, decorated locker. I glanced at it once more and closed the door, making sure my combination on the locker was reset.

      I continued walking down the halls but a little bit slower this time. I still had 12 minutes until the first bell would ring. I got a few "hellos" I'm the halls and said hi back cheerfully. I kept walking and stopped a few times to talk to people and see what classes they had.

       I stopped in my tracks when I saw the metal plaque with the numbers 284 Mrs. Torres; Algebra inscribed on it.

       "Oh great," I thought "A math teacher for homeroom."

       I straitened my vibrant colored skirt, patted down my  long, light brown hair, and plastered on my most charming smile I had. I walked into the room with my eyes straight ahead, smiling at the teacher in front of me.

      "G'mornin ma'am," I said as sweetly as I could.

       I noticed almost half the classroom's seats were full but I didn't see anyone I knew from last year. I felt a little disappointed but kept smiling. It was always possible they hadn't gotten here yet.

      She smiled back. "Miss. Grey, how nice to meet you. I heard a lot about how excellent you are in Algebra, I hope you have the same drive as last year."

      I walked up and shook her hand, " Yes ma'am, I do." 

       This was true. Ever since I was little I wanted to be an engineer. I knew how much work it would take and that I would need to be very good at math of any sort and problem solving it even get close to qualifying for the job.

        So yes, I'm a bit dorky and quirky but it's what I'm known for.

        I took a seat in the middle of the room, making sure to be seen by the teacher and all the other students but most likely not to be called on. As soon as I sat down the first bell wrung.

       I watched all but two seats get filled before the second bell wrung. Frowning, I realized none of my close friends were in this class. I knew most of the people in the room(such as Angelica, Margo, Annaliese, Kj, Mickey, West, and Conner.As I pulled out my pencil and a fresh notebook, I was awestruck by a boy who walked into the room.

       I had never seen him before and I watched him as he took a seat in the corner of the classroom. There was something odd about him, he was different, and I liked it.

       I stared at him and shot quick glances as our teacher started talking. Suddenly, he looked up and flashed a bright smile. I snapped my eyes back to my desk as soon as he looked up. I could feel myself turning slight red. How embarrassing.

      A few minutes later, I saw another boy walk into the room. When I turned around I saw who it was; London.

      "London!!", I said motioning for him to pull up a chair next to me. He smiled and grabbed a chair to carry over. Pulling it up next to me, we hugged for a couple seconds.

       "I haven't seen you since last year Laney! How have you been?" The conversation went on and we talked and laughed.

Eventually, Mrs.Torres settled us down to talk about rules. Why we still do this, I'll never understand.

       As class continued on, I would look out of the corner of my eye at the other boy. He was definitely different, he seemed to have this mysterious aura to him. He had chocolate, brown-colored hair and dark, rich brown eyes. I practically melted thinking about it. What was I doing?

      I turned back to face the board and before I could answer my own question, I was turning around again. This time he was looking straight at me and I knew he had been staring at me the whole time. When I turned away I knew he had seen how much I had began to blush because he did a little half smile.

      "Dammit," I thought " I held the gaze for too long. He probably thinks I'm a bloody stalker." I silently cursed myself and continued writing notes. Why do I even care?

         The bell finally wrung and Mrs.Torres stood at the door handing out syllabuses to everyone. She told us to read them over and so on. I walked out the door and looked at my schedule to see that I had English next.

         I sighed and walked quickly with my head down, hoping that the new kid wouldn't be in my English class.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2017 ⏰

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