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A/N I forgotwhere I got the image but it is not mine. Also I will be putting the character's powers at the bottom of the chapters but I won't be repeating the same ones.

Sitting in the back corner of his cell, Subject H-20 stared blankly at the door as screams made its way down the dark halls. Soon it was going to be his turn again, and the thought caused a slight shudder to run through his emancipated body.

After a few more screams of pain there was an eerie silence, then the sounds of footsteps made it's way closer and closer to his cell causing the small boy to squeeze himself into a tight ball. The door finally opened and a guard came barging in, grabbed the child by the arm and dragged him through the winding halls into a bright room with a metal table in the center, a big light overhanging it, and a tray full of medical tools and strange colored needles. It was here where the guard dumped H-20.

Used to the routine and abuse the child laid himself on the table allowing the guard to strap him in. As soon as the guard was done, he stepped back and allowed an elderly man in white to stand next to the subject.

Without any warning the man grabbed one of the colored syringes and plunged it into the child's left arm. He continued this with another two needles before the pain started to spread across H-20's body. Consumed by the feeling of being on fire, he didn't notice when the man started to cut into his stomach until the flames directed itself solely to the cuts, causing the overall pain to intensify.

The child could do nothing to ease the pain but scream himself hoarse and beg.
Beg it all to stop.
For no more pain.
No more of these bastards sick experiments.
Just no more of anything.


When he came to, he was chained against a wall in a new cell. The cell was similar to his old one but with the difference of another boy sitting at his feet, staring at him.

He didn't say anything, just tilted his head to one side and continued to stare. Deciding to ignore the other kid, H-20 looked up at his chained hands above his head and let a small gasp at what he saw.


Blood covered his whole hands and small trails still made it's way down his forearms but no marks on him. He should have been panicking, but he couldn't remember how that felt. Instead of focussing on that, he started to pull his hands, trying to free them, but nothing he did seemed to work.

Shuffling reminded him of his new roomate and it took his focus off of his hands. Looking at the other child he noticed he had moved closer but was now looking at his hands instead of at his face.

The boy lifted one hand to the chains and upon his touch, dissolved into itself until there was nothing holding his arms. Lowering his arms, H-20 stared at the other boy as he sat himself back in front of him.

"My names Luke. Do you know yours?"

H-20 opened his mouth to respond that he didn't, but when he tried to speak nothing, came out. Narrowing his eyes, he tried again with the same result and thus he shook his head.

"Could have sworn you were able to speak. I mean you came in here laughing all crazy like." Luke said, "Well, how about I just give you a name?"

Finding nothing wrong with that he nodded his head in assent.

Luke then started to drum his fingers against the ground in thought, "How about Jonathan? It was my dad's name before he died."

Before he could respond, a guard came to the opening of the door. "Shut up in 'ere!"

"How about you shut up, old man." Luke responded, but the after he said that, the guard smiled in victory and opened the door. In his hand was a baton with electricity sparking on the end.

"Well ya lil shit, let's see ya dissolve this one." The guard then started to attacking Luke before he could react. Hitting him over and over again unroll he couldn't scream anymore.

As soon as the guard had opened the door, Jonathan froze in his spot but kept his eyes on the man, once his roommate started to scream, he felt himself falling backwards. Instinctively he closed his eyes but when nothing happened, he reopened them only to see a world of water and bright blue skies. Across from him was someone who loomed just like him.

Or what he thinks he looks like.

Unlike him, the other was widely smiling and talking, "Can I play with the mean man?" The other said, pointing to a window that built itself and showed the guard standing over Luke, only they weren't moving.

"Please can I play? I'll make him stop hurting our new friend."

If his other self could stop the guard then Jonathan would let him. Determined he nodded his head, the other started to jump around excitedly, "Don't worry, I'll make him pay."

In the span of a few seconds, H-20's body went from rigid to a relaxed state but neither of the other occupants took notice. Slowly getting up, a smile grew on his lips and he kept his eyes on his new toy.

The guard went for another strike, but before it could hit, he was thrown into the door. Looking up he finally noticed the other kid staring at him with a crazed look. The kid took a few steps towards him and laughed.

"I'm surprised. After my playtime in the lab, I didn't think they would let anyone play with me anymore."

The boy leaned himself over the sprawled guard and asked, "You like the staticky stick right? Can I play with it? My sister used to say that sharing is nice."

The guard snapped out of his trance and tried to reach for the stick only for it to fly into the kids hand.

"I said it was my turn to play with it!"

The boy jabbed the rod into the guard's opened neck and laughed as the man stiffened and opened his mout in a silent scream. He stabbed the guard again and again until he was no longer twitching, then turned his attention to his silent roomate.

"Does this mean I get a name too?"

Powers: Delerious: Telekinesis, Cartoonz: Acid generation

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