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They were a few buildings from the gas station when everything went to chaos.

Ohm had gotten hit in the shoulder causing his next blast to fly over the car he was aiming at and land on the store next to them. Realizing what had happened, Delerious ran over and lifted Ohm to cover with Cartoonz covering behind.

About to switch with Jon so he could heal their downed member more easily, they were caught off guard by something crashing into them.

Or rather, someone.

With the force of the collision, Delerious maintained control but took notice of a blue blur running away from him and knocking into Cartoonz, forcing him away from Ohm, successfully separating the group from each other.

Trying to locate Bryce and make sure he was alright, Delerious caught sight of the man still on the rooftops wearing a black suit with an owl mask surveying the area. Once he noticed Delerious looking at him he jumped down. Landing lightly on his feet, the owl man did a pushing motion with his arms creating a gust that forced Delerious up and off the ground before being slammed back down.

Getting sick of being pushed around, Delerious raised a hand causing a nearby garbage can to float and threw it at the man's back. Surprised, the owl let out a squeak causing Delerious to laugh at the other, "You scream like a girl!" he raised the object again this time dropping it on top of his head.

Quickly recovering, the Owl pushed himself up and did a combo of kicks and punches at the masked teen, who would go i to defense, creating air to push him back when his attacks wouldn't hit. They continued their back and forth until a pained scream reached their ears causing them to stop and look over to see the rest of their teams going at it.

Bryce was teleporting around the blue blur, punching and throwing a few kicks in whenever he was able to. While the eagle would run up and attack but would find himself teleported off the ground or running into obstacles that would appear in front of him.

Ohm was not too far from Delerious and was fighting against a guy in a green shirt with a paper bag covering his head. Ohm would create a blast that the other would block but would get attacked with a second blast once his shield went down, making him stuck to one spot.

Cartoonz was the furthest from the main fighting area and was throwing acidic items at his opponent but the brown monkey would phase through it all and try and fight up close but every time he connected a punch he would be burned causing him to scream in pain.

Looking back at his own opponent he noticed he was still distracted, lifting up a brick he threw it as hard as he could at the owl's head forcing him to fall to the ground.

Taking his chance Delerious ran towards Ohm and called out, "Hey Paperbag!" Said man looked over letting Ohm take the distraction and knocking him into a wall in a slump.

Bryce then teleported to them and held Ohm by his uninjured shoulder, "Got the speedster down, but I won't be able to take everyone right now. I'm pretty much at my limit."

"I can try, but, what about you?"

"I'll lead them away then head back, we'll meet at the hideout in an hour." Delerious responded handing his bag of money to the teleporter.

Hopping into the conversation Ohm joked, "But I need healing! I'm dying here!"

"Your fine, stop being a pussy and let's go." Cartoonz called out as he ran to the group. His opponent cradling an arm as he helped the owl man up. Once together both men held on to Bryce's arms and they were gone.

Leaving Delerious alone with the other group getting up.

"You can't catch me! Hahaha" He calls out so they would focus on him, then without hesitation he ran through the blown out store and out the back. He could hear them running after him but he threw down some barricades to slow them down.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2017 ⏰

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