Chapter 10: I'm what?!

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David's POV:
I woke up and saw Liza sleeping peacefully next to me. I thought about last night and smiled like an idiot. It was magical. When we started dating Liza and I decided to take things slow. It was our first time having sex that night. My smile quickly faded when I realised that WE DIDN'T USE A CONDOM.
Liza's POV:
David sat up quickly like they do in movies when they have a nightmare. It woke me up.
"David what's up?" I asked sleepily.
"Condom" he whispered.
"We didn't use a condom Liza!"
"So what? I wasn't ovulating so it's probably fine." I say.
"Quick we need to get pregnancy tests!" He said getting out of bed.
"TestS?" I ask, emphasising the S.
"We gotta be sure Liza!" He yells. I'm not offended though, I know he's just panicking. I groan and climb out of bed.
At the pharmacy•
David and I stood in the line waiting to buy the FOUR pregnancy tests David picked up. Eventually it was our turn.
"Why'd you need so many?" The woman behind the counter asked, laughing. I noticed that her name tag said Nikki.
"To make we're definitely pregnant." David said.
"Forgot to use a condom didn't you?" Nikki said.
"Ah... Don't worry, it's a common rookie mistake."
We paid for the tests and drove back home. David held my hand the whole way.
Time jump:- 50 minutes•
David's POV:
Liza peed on the pregnancy tests and left them in the bathroom. We cuddled on the sofa for 15 minutes waiting for the tests be ready.
I looked at my watch. Liza stared at me, looking hopeful.
We got up and went to the bathroom. On the count of three we look at the tests. They're all positive.

We both start crying uncontrollably

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We both start crying uncontrollably.
"Wait we can't be parents! We're not even old enough to drink alcohol and we're having a baby! Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god." Liza cups my face in her hands.
"Shhh... It's okay. We got this. We're gonna be great parents, okay?" She says.
"I love you"
"I love you too pookie"
I swear I get more and more aggressive as this story goes on 😂
For once I don't have writers block and I have basically the whole of the next chapter planned out.
What's your favourite book?
I hate my selfie (Shane Dawson)
It gets worse (Shane Dawson)
In real life (Joey Graceffa)
Children of Eden (Joey Graceffa)
If you're one of those people who can't say his surname it's pronounced Gra-sef-ah.
See you in the next chapter 😘

Grow old with me | David Dobrik and Liza KoshyWhere stories live. Discover now