The Woman in White

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Adelina packed her clothes in a duffel bag. She had to get out of her before her parents woke up. Zipping up the bag, she hung it over her shoulder and opened the window. Climbing out the window, Adelina felt the wave of relief washing over her. She was free.

    Then, she ran. She ran as monsters were chasing her. She ran as a lion were chasing after her. Adelina ran rapidly until she was away from her town. She slowed down as she approached to the forest.

    The forest always gave Adelina the cold welcome. The towering trees looked like giants that would make her feel small as a mouse. Dark leaves were the darkest color that Adelina never imagined they could be black as the night. Branches were twisted and she felt like they were arms of a skeleton. The ground wasn't filled with grass; it was filled with dirt only.

    The only pathway through the forest was sharp rocks that would require strong sturdy shoes to walk through it. Adelina didn't even question herself as she jolted through the woods. Her feet already felt the sharp rocks slightly stabbing her. She silently scowled at herself realizing that she had been wearing her worn out tennis instead maybe some boots. It didn't matter, all what matter was getting away from her parents as far she can go.

    Adelina stopped running when she felt like her legs were burning. She looked around the murky forest feeling a cold chill crawling on her shoulder. Shuddering, Adelina pondered how long was she going to stay at the woods. It was without a doubt, the largest forest Adelina had ever seen. She didn't know how long the forest goes or what's out there.

    Besides, there were rumors about this forest that wanted to make Adelina find her way out of the forest faster. Rumors that terrified her when she was small child. Rumors that Adelina wanted to believe it was all nonsense. The rumor of the woman in white.

    Rumor has it that at midnight, the woman in white will be waiting for visitors. If the person sees the woman in the white, she will follow you and haunt you until you go insane. Sometimes, even cut up their body making her white dress splattered with blood. Then, just as dawn is approaching, the woman will disappear into thin air waiting for next midnight for its next victim.

    Adelina wanted to believe it was all nonsense. No such thing can happen in the forest. The rumors had to be false. She shrugged the rumors off and began walking left to another path. As she was walking, she noticed that the path weren't rocks anymore.

    The path was painted in bright red. Adelina felt uneasy with the path. It almost looked like it was blood. No, she silently scowled at herself. She was getting ahead of herself about this. Adelina tried her best to ignore that stained red path.

    Just as Adelina's nerves were beginning to calm down, she heard a loud scream. Adelina flinched at the scream and looked around hastily. Her hands were shaking hard and they were clammy. She stammered out, "Hello? Is anyone there?" Her voice echoed through the empty forest.

    There was no one there. The scream was gone as if it never happened. Adelina waited for an answer, but all the forest gave her was silence. "It's just in my head, Adelina," Adelina spoke to herself quietly, "you're thinking about this too much. It shouldn't be hard to get pass the forest."

    She sighed and began walking again. The duffel bag was beginning to annoy Adelina as she walked as fast as she can. The bag seemed to be holding her back. Adelina frowned and took off the bag from her shoulder. The weight of the duffel bag was gone from her shoulder and she felt glad that it was gone.

    Adelina paid attention to the ground, watching the red blood path that was stretched out all the way deeper into the woods. It reminded her slightly of the Wizard of Oz. The yellow brick road, but here, it wasn't a yellow brick road. It was path of stained red blood. She didn't know why it reminded her of the yellow brick road, but it did.

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