The Talk

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As soon as we got back to the house I ran straight up the stairs and into my room. The car ride had been super weird, Leon wouldn’t stop smirking and I swear I was going to have a bruised ribcage from all the elbowing and winking I got from Alex.

What were we, thirteen year olds!?And what was up with that biting thing, that should defiantly not be allowed, I call that cheating.

I needed answers. Now. But where could I get them, definitely not Leon, that could very easily turn into a repeat of today. Maybe that wouldn’t be a bad thing…

No. I needed to remain focused, I needed answers and a game plan. The hot making out would have to wait.

I could go to Alex, no he’d just laugh plus I was still mad at him for his immature behaviour today.

That left only one option. I got up off my bed and tip toed over to the door and down the hall way. I don’t really know why I was being sneaky about this since I wasn’t actually doing anything wrong, but it seemed like the right thing at the time.

I reached the bottom of the stairs and made my way over to the medical room. Inside the cold florescent lights made the whole place look sinister. I was just starting to re-think the whole thing and head back upstairs to find Alex when Simon walked in.

“Lilly, I didn’t expect to see you here,” Simon said smiling friendly at me. “Is anything wrong?”

“No, no, everything’s fine. I was actually just coming down here to talk to you.” I said nervously.

“Oh, ok.” He said looking slightly confused for a moment.

Damn this was getting awkward, but I didn’t know what to ask first or how to ask it.

“I, ah, had a few questions actually,” I said quickly. This would be so much easier if he weren’t hot, hot people make me stupid, hot boys in particular.

“Oh well you know you can ask me anything Lilly, that’s what I’m here for.” He said relaxing into his desk chair across the room.

“Right well, I was just wondering whats a mate?”

“Ah well you see, wolves and humans have slightly different methods for breeding.” He began in a professional tone. “Unlike humans, werewolves mate for life, once they find their mate, they begin the Claiming and Marking process which begins with the male marking the female, the female then goes into a heat which lasts several days, during the heat the male must complete the process by having sex with her.”

Oh wow. I felt like I was having the sex talk with my parents all over again. It was getting weird but my curiosity was stronger than my awkwardness  so I stayed.

“But you can still choose who you want to um… mate with right?”

“Now, yes, in the past when blood lines were stronger there was such a thing as a true mate, which is very rare these days. Basically the two would be irresistibly drawn to each other, on a very, animalistic level.” He said clearing his throat. “They used to day that these wolves were destined to be together and so on, but as I said it doesn’t really happen anymore since everyone’s mated to humans now.”

“Oh I see, so if I do survive this whole thing will my children be wolves then?”

“Its very difficult to say really since you weren’t born on but I would give it a fifty-fifty chance of happening.”

“When this is all over, can I return to my old life?” I asked afraid of the answer.

“I really,” he said running his fingers through his sandy blonde hair and exhaling loudly. “I really don’t know Lilly.” He said it without making eye contact with me. I knew what he meant though, I wasn’t every going to be able to return to my old life, at least not the way I remember it. Things were always going to be different from now on, I would always be different.

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