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I walked out of the doctor’s office in what felt like a daze, I still couldn’t come to terms with everything that was happening. Part of me was still in denial I think.

“Are you OK?” Dylan asked from behind me making me jump.

“What? Yes, of course.” I said trying not to let on, I didn’t want him to know just how close I was to breaking down in tears.

He nodded but I don’t think he bought it, I was a pretty bad liar at the best of times.

He began to stride down the long corridor in what I assumed was the direction of my room. I waited a moment before I followed not wanting to seem to obedient.

We moved through the house together in silence and I tried and failed to remember the layout of the impossible huge mansion. However I did notice signs of other people living there, I’d assumed there were others living in such a gigantic place but for some reason in my head they were all black turtle neck wearing Hench men.

To my surprise, though I didn’t actually see any other people there were signs of what must be entire families living there. As we moved through the house I glanced into rooms with children’s toys scattered on the floor, and even a room with a baby crib in the corner with more baby toys scattered on the floor around it.

I wasn’t sure why the images shocked me so much, they were so… normal. My brain rebelled against the idea of the place where I was being held captive also being the home to what looked like several happy families.

I was so busy peering into every room we passed that I wasn’t looking where I was going and could do nothing but flail when my foot caught on one of those tiny annoying steps that connect rooms.

In a moment of panic I squealed and tried to throw my arms out to block my face, my eyes were squeezed shut ready for the impact of the fall and it took my several moments to realise it had never come.

I opened my eyes to see Dylan’s smirk several inches from my nose.

“Clumsy kitten” he said grinning now.

That made me bristle, he was back in it with the cheesy pet names.

“My name is Lilly!” I ground out pushing him off of me.

“That was quite the squeal you just made kitty, I’ll have to go easy on you tomorrow in training or I could go deaf.” He as though making a serious mental note to himself.

Oh lord ‘kitty’, just when I had thought it couldn’t get any worse.

“Wait what training?”

“You need training remember? And I will be your very charming trainer until you go through the change.” He didn’t make eye contact when he said the last part, we both knew why, if I went through the change it would most likely be the death of me. Literally.

“Can I train with someone else?” I asked hopefully.




“Oh come on you must have much more important wolfie stuff to attend to!” I said trying another angle.”

“Yes but still no.”

I huffed in annoyance and began to storm off in what I hoped was the right way.

The Lord Alpha's ExperimentTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon