The Hideout

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We pulled up to the hideout. We had to help Jim out of the car, seeing as one of those punks stabbed his foot. We helped him waddle his fat ass into the doors. The boss was waiting in the front room for us.

"Well?" He looked around us. "Where are the targets at?"

There was a silence among us.

"Well?" The boss started to tap his foot. He always does that when he's pissed off.

"Well, um, th-they got away.." Jim stuttered as he tried to stand straight.

The boss walked over to Jim and slapped him to the floor.

"You had one lousy job! To get some teenagers and bring them down here! One job! How hard can it be?"

I walked over to Jim and helped him up. Rob tried to calm the boss down.

"Boss calm down, please. We don't want a repeat of last week." The broken table has since been thrown out, but Alex's bloodstains were still faint on the wall and carpet.

The boss took a few deep breaths. He went over and sat down, trying to calm down.

Once he calmed down, he looked back at us. "I'll give it a few days. Then I'll just take care of this myself."

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