The Cell

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I woke up again as I was being carried out of the car. The cut the ropes tying our legs so we could walk. We too fat to carry. I could hear what was probably swearing from Echo. Too bad we had tape over our mouths.

The shoved us along towards to door. One guy had his arm around Echo. He had kind of a rapist vibe to him.

My ankles were kind of sore from my struggling, but what can you do. It's not like we're going to a spa, now are we?

They shoved us up to an old abandoned building. I had a feeling I knew where we were, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

Inside the place it.. let's say it smelled like dust, fire, and drugs. The walls had holes in some places as if someone took a hammer or their fists to it. Metal gauntlet and all. The walls looked ancient. No brick or stone, but they looked like they were made in the 1920's and the whole building was neglected until now. 

Once we got through the entrance, the place was a bit more taken care of. I mean, the walls in the small room had posters. There were still a few holes in the walls. I looked over to the left to see a table broken in half. The table looked like it was made from cherry wood. A nice table. There was a dent in the wall with blood splattered around it. There was even some dripped to the floor. The blood was dried and crusty, but it couldn't of been there for more than a week. I guess I was lacking behind because I got a shove to the back.

There was a maze of tunnels leading to different rooms. I saw a few people here and there glance at us. Not too many people here. In one room, there were about five people playing cards. Just relaxing.

They threw us down onto a couch. We weren't really in a room. There was a door on the wall to the right of us. I guess that was the meeting room. 

We were left alone, with a guard at the door. He was holding an AK-47. Best not to run. 

I looked over at Echo. I gave her the eyebrows.

She slapped my arm. "Dude what the freak? This is serious!"

"It doesn't have to be." I whispered as I poked her arm.

She slapped me again."Dude! Stop!"

I poked her again. It ended up turning into a slap fight. We sounded like bickering penguins. We heard yelling coming from inside the room next to us.

"What do you mean he's not here? We finally have them and he's away. Great!"

"Where are we going to put them? We can't just keep them there all night!"

"What about the cellar?"

"Do the cells have windows?"

"I don't think so."

"Then we'll put them there for the night."

The thugs walked back out of the room and grabbed us up. They pushed us back down a flight of stairs and then down some more to the basement. The basement was cold, and it was made of stone. There were inputted cells on the far end of the wall. There were windows to peer out over the ground, but they had bars on them. I couldn't tell if we could squeeze through them or not.

They shoved us into the cells and locked the door behind us. They went back upstairs and locked that door, too.

When they left, I looked at how big the window was. It was higher up, but we could fit through if the one of the bars was gone. I leaned up and tried to pull on it. To my surprise, they were wood! Not very thick, either. This only take a little while at the most to saw through!

I reached for my boot to get my knife to find out it was gone. I kicked the wall in frustration. That was a good knife, too!

"Hey Echo. Check your sleeve."

Echo pulled out her knife and handed it to me. Since she was taller then me, she looked out of the window.

"What do you see?" I asked in a hushed tone.

"There's no one guarding anything. We could sneak out through there and start running."

I handed her the knife back. "Start sawing."

I keep an eye out as she saws away quietly at the bars. She climbs through first and helps me up. We start sneaking our way away from the place. 

Well, that was easy!

Or was it?

Nah. It was easy.

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