Save Me

651 18 2

Genre: Angst/Fluff

Warnings: Mentions of blood if that freaks you out I suggest skipping this one :)

Word Count: 5.4+

Summary: Harry finds Draco crying in the bathroom. And Ron gets the half blood prince's book instead of Harry.

It was a normal school day, well as normal as it could be I suppose.
I spot Malfoy behind me, his face has fallen seeing that I am looking at him. He turns abruptly and I can't help but want to follow him and his sadly beautiful face. I say goodbye to Ginny without waiting for a reply and follow him down the halls. I don't know what is compelling me to follow him. I just can't stand that sad look adorning his soft features. He takes twists and turns, but I stay right on his heels. It's either he's ignoring me or he doesn't know I'm behind him. He pushes open the bathroom door roughly, the door hits the wall and echoes throughout the stalls.

He slumps against the wall away from me, my stomach drops at the quiet sniffles and whimpers that are coming from him. It makes me... sad. I don't want to make him feel worse if he doesn't want me here.

"Malfoy?" I quietly whisper. He lifts his head slightly, he wipes his nose on his sleeve and glances at me before his sad eyes seek the ground again.

"Potter." His voice is devoid of his usual bite, it seems hollow and broken. I slowly walk forward, acting as if Malfoy is some type of wild animal. He just stares at the ground some more. I sit down next to him. He looks at me strangely I just tilt my head and offer a small smile. To my surprise instead of an insult or a hex he offers a sad smile of his own. I shuffle closer, he just watches me, messing with the end of his sleeve. His hair falls in front of his silvery eyes. I hold myself back from brushing the stray strands back and peering into those sad eyes, instead I stare at the ceiling and wait for something to happen.

"Why are you here? Why are you being nice?" His voice is small, insecure. I swear I could feel my heart shattering slowly with every word he has spoken. I look at him, his eyes stare back at me. I open my mouth to say something but the words won't come out with the way he's staring at me. He doesn't have the same jaded, impassive eyes. Instead, his eyes are a sea of conflicting emotions, but one that's standing out the most is just sadness. I lightly cough into my arm before trying to look him in the eyes again. He's looked away, I miss the silver that contrasts so greatly with the green of my own.

"I don't know, but I don't want to leave. Are you alright?" The words come out a little more emotional than I would have preferred but that's okay because at least he's looking at me again.

"Me? Alright?" He let's out a humorless laugh that fills my ears, "Funny Potter. No, I'm not alright and I don't expect you to care."

"But I do," I rush out. I hadn't really meant to say it out loud but I can't take it back now, especially with the way he's staring at me.

"But," He looks at the ground, confused, something else I can't decode. "Why?"

I swallow roughly, because why do I care? I do not know, I have no idea why I care so much. But I do, I want my old Malfoy back the one that's always throwing flawless jeers and perfectly timed hexes. I can't say that I don't like the unguarded, open Malfoy but I don't know it's making my heart do weird flips and I don't know if I like it or not.

"Because, even though you can be a git, and a prat. I still for some reason care. I don't know what it is but I feel like I need to make you feel better, I can't explain it."

Malfoy let's out another laugh, this one at least has a little bit of amusement behind it.

"You and your bloody hero complex, damn Gryffindors." I feel a slight tug at the corners of my mouth and see him slightly smiling. But it all drops, his face losing all sense of happiness in a matter of a nanosecond.

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