The Wish

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Jesse was falling. She was screaming too, but stopped when she realized that there was no use making her throat sore. It felt like she went back in time, back to when she and The Founder were falling off Sky City. She thought that she was going to die. But she didn't, and that gave her hope that she was not going to die this time. She felt like Alice In Wonderland too, because she didn't know where or when she was going to land.

But of course, she did land. And not just that, but she landed on comfy cushions. She looked around, half expecting the white rabbit. It was an enormous room, and guess what , it looked like Ivor's creepy basement. Very reassuring(sarcasm). The place was filled with books, just like in Ivor's basement. But this place was way more creepy. There were a few double chests in the corner of the room. There was barely light in the huge room and there were just two torches. The biggest source of light was an enchantment table in the middle of the room. Jesse steadily walked towards the enchantment table.

It wasn't like your typical enchantment table, it was glowing brighter, the closer she went towards it. When she got right beside it, it was glowing like mad. She started to read what was on the book.

The cave of desires is a historic building, home of an ancient genie who grants one wish for a single person every century. The genie will only grant one wish, no more no less. And you cannot wish for more wishes. The cave always moves so nobody can find it again. 'Ha, but I found it,' she thought and kept on reading. You, are a very fortunate person. You found this temple and now you will be rewarded with a gratuitous wish. All you have to do is say 'I wish' and then say what you wish for. The genie will grant you your wish.

Jesse didn't know what to think. A magical genie, who grants wishes, what is this a fairytale?! Suddenly, there was a blinding light and  when the girl looked up she saw a huge coral colored floating person. Jesse screamed inside, because she was too startled to scream for real. "Don't worry," a booming loud voice told her." I am the Genie of Desires, and I will grant you one wish, Jesse." Jesse was still surprised on what just happened, but then asked how the genie knew her name. "Oh, I know every single person's name," the genie answered." Well, what is your wish, young one," the genie finally questioned.

Jesse didn't know what to wish for. She could wish for anything at all, well except for more wishes. But, she was unassertive of what to do. But then she realized something. She could wish that Reuben could come back from the dead. But then she could wish that Magnus never died too. Or she could wish that all the people who died because of the witherstorm came back to life. Then she got an idea.

" I know what I want to wish for," she finally replied. Jesse bit her lip. Her heart was beating rapidly. "I wish that the witherstorm never happened."

Thanks soooo much for reading! I love you guys!

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