The Beginning Of The Long And Winding Road

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Alright, so this first chapter isn't going to be anything exciting, just a simple introduction and plain beginning. I am doing this book because I have found, as a Beatle fanfic writer, that it is especially hard to make fanfics for the bugs. It's much, much more harder than simply sitting down and going. You've got to know a bit of background, plus a little more. Key people like Mal Evans, Brian Epstein, Julia Stanley are helpful to know about! The Liverpool accents and vernacular are apart of them! Knowing about important dates and places helps a ton! 

That's why I'm doing this, but I don't want to do it alone, because by no means am I an expert on all of them. Having never visited a Beatle place in my life, I find it a bit hard to write about the homes, the clubs, etc., and I'd really appreciate if the lot of you that have could help me out here! If you're interested in giving me details on anything (from Liverpool vernacular to the homes they grew up in to the lovers they've had) please do. 

And finally, a question for all you Beatlemaniacs (or perhaps just you bored, curious minds who've been lead to this book): What would you like the second chapter to be about? 

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