Beatle Basics

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Alright, alright, I know what you're thinking. Beatles basics--what, is she a kook? There's a method behind my madness, I promise.

You'd be quite taken aback by the people who don't exactly know the basics. In fact, I didn't know some of this information till much later on. This book is to (hopefully) fill everyone--not just Beatles' fans--in on who the Beatles were, where they came from, how they talked, and all that good stuff. So without further ado, here it goes.

John Lennon: John stood at 5'11", he had auburn hair and light brown eyes

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John Lennon: John stood at 5'11", he had auburn hair and light brown eyes. His mother's name was Julia Stanley, and his father's name was Freddie Lennon. John grew up in the higher middle-class parts of Liverpool, in a home called Mendips.  John had, in total, five siblings. 

Paul McCartney: Paul has hazel eyes and brown hair

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Paul McCartney: Paul has hazel eyes and brown hair. Paul stands at 5'11" also. His mother's name was Mary Mcartney, and his father's name was Jim McCartney. Paul has one full brother, named Mike McCartney, and one step-sister. Paul has brown hair and hazel eyes. 

George Harrison: George was 5'10", according to legend

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George Harrison: George was 5'10", according to legend. George's parents were Louise Harrison (French was the maiden name) and Harold Hargreaves. George had three siblings. As a child, George Harrison grew up in 25 Upton Green, but he was born in Arnold Grove. In 1962, his family moved to 174 Macket's Lane. George had brown eyes and brown hair. 

Ringo Starr: Ringo Starr, originally named Richard Starkey, is 5'6" tall

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Ringo Starr: Ringo Starr, originally named Richard Starkey, is 5'6" tall. His mother and father are Elsie Gleave and Richard Starkey. Ringo was raised in the lower-class parts of Liverpool, in a place called Dingle. Ringo was raised in 10 Admiral Grove, but due to health problems, he also spent much of his time in the Children's hospital on Myrth Street. Ringo has brown hair and bright blue eyes. Ringo also has no siblings. 

As the scouse say it: T'rah. 

Well, for now. The next section of this book will probably be an extension of something in here. Most likely, either homes or families. What do you think? 

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