Part 10 ~ Jeyna

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A/N: Jason x Reyna <- Like What? Do I even ship this??

And apologies, but then I just had to keep throwing Piper POV's in here.

Also, for HadesIsMyHomeboy and all the others who follow me because I write this fic. You read this...though I don't know why...


"Have you seen Jason?"

"I think he's in the kitchen Reyna."

"That little. Have you noticed he ate lunch with her all week?"

Piper shoved her drink into Hazel's hands and stormed off with her wings fluttering behind her. 


Jason didn't really care that he was wearing a toga.

Tonight was another party. This one was Halloween themed, as the holiday was right around the corner, and his usual crew had decided to go as mythological figures:

Percy Jackson, his favorite cousin (don't tell anyone that, they had to keep up appearances, being the two most popular boys in school), had come as a merman.

Jason was Julius Caesar, or that's what Percy kept calling him as Annabeth kept shaking her head, because he was in a toga, with a purple shirt and red cape, and laurels or something. Annabeth would know.

Speaking of Annabeth Chase, she was Percy's girlfriend, and someone you would never want to piss off. Annabeth came as the Greek goddess Athena, complete with shield and a spear that could probably kill you.

Thalia Grace, Jason's older sister, was Atlanta, the huntress. She chose it because Atlanta also refused to date and instead wanted to wander around the woods, hunting and being awesome. He decided not to point out that Atlanta did fall in love in the end...

Speaking of hunters, Bianca di Angelo, his cousin that he didn't know very well, was Artemis, the Greek Goddess of the Hunt and Wild. He really thought she fit the part too, as she didn't want to conform to the popular crowd, but still wanted to be accepted.

Reyna, his best friend, was also wearing a toga, but no, they were not a couple. She came as the roman goddess Bellona, much to the dismay of Annabeth. Just as Bellona and Athena had history, so did Reyna and Annabeth. Those two were like oil and water; they could be in the same room, but couldn't mix.

And then there was Piper McLean, Jason's girlfriend, a harpy with a short red flapper dress, red angel wings, and red feathers in her hair. Jason had to admit to himself that the whole ensemble was just too much..but in the right way.

Or at least that's what he thought...

Jason and Piper had been problems lately, mostly because she was just so clingy. He still loved her; he just needed space, and she wasn't giving him any.

Which is why he froze when he noticed the very angry harpy walking towards him.

"Reyna, I hope we can continue this conversation later," Jason said, as he stared at his girlfriend.

Reyna just smirked as Piper stopped before them, bumping into the darker skinned girl as she walked away.

"Jason, I have to talk to you!" Jason sighed. She had taken whatever Dakota had been passing out again. Someone really needed to ban that boy from these parties if he was going to keep bringing that stuff. It was starting to get out of hand.

Jason held Piper around the waist as he led her outside and into the gardens, as he was always one to keep up appearances.

"I love you." She said it quiet, but he knew she meant it.

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