Part 5 ~ Jastavian

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Jason liked Half-Blood High. Everyone respected him. There were only three people who got on his nerves.

His cousin, Percy, who was the only person more respected than him.

Leo Valdez, who could be counted on, around his horrible jokes.

And the boy who’s locker was next to him.

This boy liked to follow Jason around. He always wanted to know what Jason’s plans were. He would break into his locker and find the notes the girls would give Jason. He would sort through the junk mail in the trashcans at Jason’s house. No matter how many times Jason would tell this boy to stop, he wouldn’t.

One day, they even got into a verbal fight in the hallway and this boy brought out a knife. He cut Jason on the arm and Jason punched him in the face.

That was the first time Jason got detention.

His stepmother, Hera, wasn’t pleased with how he acted, but knew her champion would be fine.

This boy started to harass him in art. He painted a picture of Jason with his guts spilling over an ancient Greek style building. And the boy was smiling, which led to two punches in the face.

That was the second time Jason got detention.

But the third time was from a full on fist fight in home ec over Jason’s project being ruined. He hated home ec, sure, but that didn’t mean he wanted Octavian to ruin what he’d been working on all semester.

He loathed being in detention. There was nothing to do. He couldn’t talk to anyone, because he didn’t know them that well, they were all occupied with someone else, or slept on their desks.

He tried to converse with his cousin, Nico, who was a regular in detention, but, as always, they had nothing to discuss. Nico didn’t like people, or sports, or school. So, Jason wandered off to another section of the room, where no one was sitting.

But someone else thought it would be good to sit with him.


Jason turned to find his stalker. He had that usual glow in his eyes that read Give me all your secrets!

“Octavian! Stay away from me you creep!”

Mrs. Dodds, the detention teacher, told them to be quieter, without even looking up from her book.

“I made you something.”

Octavian handed Jason a box, which he carefully opened.

“A helmet?”

Octavian nodded vigorously. “I know you like to ride your skateboard, so I dressed that up for you.”

Jason stared at the helmet, which was covered in a golden eagle. Jason was happy it wasn’t an actual eagle, just one made from clay and paint.

“Umm. Thanks, I guess.”

“Do you like it?”

“Yeah, sort of. I noticed there isn’t any blood on it.”

“Would you like some?”

The look Octavian gave Jason was the completely wrong look. It was closer to I will hurt you to make you like me!

“No, no. That’s not necessary.”

Jason was pleased when Mrs. Dodds said his time was up. He left the room without another word to his stalker.

“This is so creepy. I wasn’t sure how far he would take it.”

Jason, his sister, Thalia, and his cousin, Percy, all sat around his room, passing the helmet back and forth.

“I don’t want to know how he found out eagles are my favorite animal. I mean sure, he destroyed the stuffed one I was making, but it’s not like I’ve gone around telling people my favorite animal is the eagle.”

“Too bad about what happened last time Clarisse tried to stuff him in a trashcan. He doesn’t fear anyone. But you should be more worried about this.”

Percy handed Jason a copy of the school newspaper. “Has Jason fallen from Grace? Oh, that’s original. Who’s Rachel?”

“New girl. Just came in last week. And Percy already got a swim date with her.”

Percy punched Thalia in the arm. “It was an interview.”

“And that’s why she kissed you?”

“One freaking time. That’s it.”

“Oh, of course.”

Jason couldn’t help laughing. “And how did I miss this.”

Percy and Thalia snapped back at him in unison. “You were in detention with Octavian, again.”

“He makes me miss all the good stuff.” Jason put the helmet in the bottom of his closet. “I will never use this. It’s way to creepy. Now get out! I want to read this in peace.”

Percy and Thalia walked out his bedroom door. Thalia tried to be quiet, but wanted Jason to hear. “Hey little cousin, how long do you think it will be until Jason calls Piper over?”

Percy snickered. “Not long.”

Jason slammed the door in their faces and locked it. He turned around and saw a figure in his bedroom window.

Jason screamed and ran out the door, past Percy and Thalia.

“What was that all about?”

They looked back in the room and saw the boy staring at them. They also screamed and ran downstairs. It was the only thing to do to get away from the Tell me all your secrets! face.

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