Just Business

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Upset was an understatement of what Xylia was feeling. She was currently curled in a ball in her bed. A million thoughts running through her head.

"Come on Xylia , get up" her best friend nudged her. "You have a meeting !" She yanked the covers off of her depressed friends body and awaited her response.

"I don't know why you messaged that man. I don't feel like seeing anyone. Honestly don't even know why you're here" Xylia spat. Kiva knew her friend was just a bit upset so she didn't take her words to heart. But she also knew that this mystery man was exactly the pick me up she needed. "Look X, just get up and get the meeting over with. As long as you guys have been together, every time there's a fight he sends you a text, then you don't respond to be petty or act like you not phased. Then he calls you answer, you smile, small giggle, he is usually on his way over and then you're asking me to leave cause everything is OK now." 

"What if this time is different?" Xylia slowly sat up, swinging her legs off the mattress.

"Then this is the  time that you, a woman, is fed up" Kiva shrugged her shoulders and smiled as her friend gives a smirk noticing her reference. "OK, i'll get dressed" Xylia began to get herself ready, she did the usual routine of washing her body and brushing her teeth. Kiva let herself out and told her friend not to worry and be safe. 

As she was preparing for this brief meeting, she smoothed down her skirt and brushed her hair once more to make sure it looked right. For the hundredth time she checked her phone in hopes she hadn't missed a call from Kevin. No missed calls, there was only a text from Derek making sure she would still be able to meet at the bakery. She responded, saying she would see him in a few. 


Why his assistant was blowing up his phone he had no clue. All he said was that he wouldn't be coming into work and that he would be back tomorrow. He wanted to place his phone on silent but did not want to miss a call from Xylia. In case something happened. He decided to dress professional but not too professional. A buttoned up shirt and slacks were comfortable enough. If anything he was just looking forward to see Xylia. 

Checking the time Derek realized he had to be at the bakery in a few minutes. He decided to get there early. Just to secure a great table and make sure that Mr. Parks knew this meeting was only for business. 

Once he arrived he chose a booth. His favorite seat , plus it was next to this window where you could see everyone walking in. After taking a seat, he ordered a hot chocolate and placed the plans for Bookworms next to him. He saw Xylia, walking in flats slowly approaching the bakery. Her  head was down. "Why would a women that beautiful walk with her head down?" he thought to himself. 

The bell chimed, indicating that she had walked in. She glanced around and noticed Derek already looking at her. He waved, signalling for her to come and have a seat. Once she approached the table, Derek stood up, he shook her hand and simply said "Thanks for coming" 

"I kind of don't have a choice" She joked. "My Aunt's business is in your hand." they let go of each others hand and sat down to get started. "You want anything?" Derek asked Xylia, "Its on me" he added. She shook her head and smiled "No you're fine." Derek smirked when she said that. Once noticing it Xylia quickly changed her response " I meant no! you don't have to do that. I'm not hungry" she smiled a little and looked down. "I know what you meant" he chuckled. 

Derek slid the papers in front of her. Pointing out the changes and handing her a pen to write down suggestions if she didn't agree with something. luckily she had no complaints as they sat there for all of an hour going over a few things. Xylia signed the dotted line for him so start redecorating. She handed the pen back to him once they were finished. 

Derek looked in her eyes as she handed back the pen and noticed that the make up she used didn't do a good job at covering up the redness and sadness her eyes held. 

"Ms. Xylia are you-" 

"You know at first i thought seeing you in my Aunts office was a joke, i mean think about it, we always saw each other from afar sending daggers through our eye contact, then you bump into me on the trail that i had no idea you ran on, then you end up being the guy to fix the book store. Crazy right?" Xylia giggled at her random thought. She knew she cut him off. She did it on purpose. She always had a sense that he was reading her as soon as she sat down.   

"Yea" Derek Chuckled, "It is crazy, but who knows, there is purpose to everything" 

"What do you mean?" Xylia lifted her eyebrow. "Fate" Mr. Parks said as he approached their table. 

Derek heard him clearly but Xylia didn't. "I'm sorry?" she said "I didn't hear you Mr. Parker, How are you by the way?" 

Mr. Parker noticed Derek's smirk he knew what that man was doing. "I said plate sweetie, do you want a plate of your favorite treat to go? and i'm fine" 

"That's good and yes please , thank you" Xylia smiled. "i'm sorry what were you saying Derek?" 

"Oh, just that we are possibly not to far from a good friendship" 

"You could be onto something" Xylia grinned. "I'm not doing anything after this meeting" she announced after checking her phone and noticing there were no notifications. "We can go to the movies or something?" she offered. 

"Sure, how about a park ? If thats ok with your boyfriend." He wasn't going to start any trouble and even if he did he didnt care. He noticed how she changed the subject and he noticed that once she put her head down she was really checking her phone. 

"I'm sure he won't mind" Xylia shrugged.  "At least he has no right to" she thought to herself. 

Ok, i only updated because i received hella love out of nowhere and i appreciate it all. I'm actually thinking about changing Derek's character to Shemar Moore. and i may be slow on updates There's a certain way i want this book to go. I want it far from cliche and so far i'm not doing well. But thanks for reading. 

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