Chapter 2: Faded

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My days continued on as usual. The school I went to was rugged and beat down. The cafeteria is where the majority of the rats were. My days were pretty normal, until my blackouts happened. One day I was at school and my vision left me, along with my mind. I came out of it to see a boy quivering in fear of me, to everyone else, it was just a classic school fight. Honestly, I was more scared of myself than the boy on the ground was. I had blood on my hands now, everyone started to look at me funny. I looked behind me, and saw a wall mirror. My eyes were red again, I could almost feel anger in me. I quickly ran off. I ran outside and sat behind the school, crying softly to myself. As I got older my blackouts started happening more and more. When I hit 15 it was uncontrollable. I knew every time I blacked out, I either hurt someone or maybe even killed them. One day after school I hid out in the cafeteria, I just sat there, waiting until night. After that, I let go. My dark soul came out. I could never remember what I did, I was more terrified of not knowing what I did. It was morning when I woke up. I got up and stepped on a dead rat. I looked around, there were dead rats everywhere.

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