Chapter 10

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"Umm... to be honest Matt I..." and then I stopped what I was saying and just froze up.

Do I really feel that way about him? Do I still have feeling for Luke? Yes I just broke up with Luke yesterday but I still have feeling for him... or that's what I think. I do love Matt but I don't want to rune our friendship.

"Natalie? do you feel the same way or is it just me that loves you?" he said. "Well Matt I just got out of a relation ship and I uh... don't want to rune our friendship or it to be awkward between us I do love you Matt but I don't think it's the way you love me... give me some time okay?" I said and after I said that my eyes started to get watery and I felt so bad because I bet I just broke him heart and it hurt so much.

{Matthew's pov}

After she told me that my heart broke. "Okay I can give you time... I guess I should be getting home see you tomorrow at school bye." and with that I left. I felt like crying but you know what I'm not.

Cameron calls and ask me if I want to hang out. When I get to Cameron's house I tell him everything that has happened.

"Wow that's sucks and now she knows that you love her" he said " Yeah I know I just don't know what to do" I said.

" Give her a week she will come around... anyways my friends are in town and they asked me of wanted to join them on this tour called Magcon and I was wondering if maybe you wanted to be on the tour too? they asked me to ask you" he said.

( a/n to remind you if you don't already know Matt just started to do vine and YouTube)

"Wow really? I would love too! I have a lot of fans that want to meet me! when does it start?" I asked.

" Next week first stop is Dallas! so they would all stay at my house and maybe your if you want to have them there my mom is freaking out about having 10 and maybe 13guys stay in her house!" he said.

" Yeah that's fine sorry with all the questions but who is it all?" I asked.

"We'll its me of course and Nash Grier, Shawn Mendes, Jack and Jack, Taylor Caniff, Mr. Carter Reynolds, Aaron Carpenter, and you and I think Hayes Grier, Brent Rivera and Sam Pottorff and I don't think Jc Caylen is coming" he said

After we talk about going to Magcon. We decided to go pick up them all from the airport but Jc and Sam haven't landed yet. Cameron drives there because I can't drive anywhere because I am grounded.

We pick them up and I meet all of them and they seem really cool but there is this one that sticks out to me and it's Shawn Mendes I think I will get to know him better then the rest besides Cameron.

We drive back to Cameron's house and unload all of there stuff I think Nash has the most bags out of all if them. I go to my house and get all of my stuff we have a week before Magcon I asked my parents about it and they said yes and they support me. I wonder if its bad that Natalie doesn't know yet that I have a vine and YouTube but I bet she knows because Cameron tags me in the ones we do together.

When I get back to Cameron's house all I hear is Cameron telling them to shut up he is on the phone. They all say hey and get on there phones. I walk to the kitchen to grab a drink and I hear someone talking to someone I think. I stop and listen I know it's not right but its Cameron talking to Natalie on the phone.

"Yes Natalie it's fine *pause* umm you should talk to him about it not me *pause* I guess I can ask him about it *pause* okay well I got to go Natalie I have a house full of guys in my house *pause* sure bring Laura? *pause* okay see you then!" Cameron said

Was Natalie asking about me? Is she coming over? what if she falls for Nash, Shawn, Jack or Jack, Taylor, Carter, Aaron?

There was a knock on the door and all of the guys run to the door but me because I know who it is. "Umm hey? is Cameron here? ohh and by the ways I'm Natalie and this is Laura and Amelia" and that when all of the flirting starts.


Thank you guys so much for the 2k reads!!! Sorry for all of the cliffhangers!! I will try to update as soon as possible!! thank you so much and tell me what you think about the story!! I think I'm going to have 20 chapters then make the second book about all of them at Magcon idk yet but tell me what you think about that in the comments!! And make sure you vote!! and maybe tell your friends about my book? please and thank you!! Thank you once again!! I love all of ya'll



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