~ Chapter 1 ~

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This is my very first wattpad story. So thank you very deciding to read it, or click on it by accident, either way I'm happy.

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Hope to hear from you all soon!


Echo Rivers POV

Today is reaping day for the 74th annual hunger games and frankly, I'm terrified. Why? Because I'm volunteering.

Yes I know, you all probably think I'm crazy since it's practically a death sentence for someone living in district 12 but I have good reason for it.

When I was 10 my mother died And 2 years ago, my father died. I have no brothers or sisters so I live alone in a little house in the poorer part of the district. I barely have enough food to feed and keep myself alive.

I figured that instead of a family losing there child and knowing most likely that they won't come back it would be better if I went into the games. I know i can't stop the games completely but 2 people very close to me are entering the reaping for the first time. If I did win, which is highly unlikely, I would have a much better life and I could help improve the lives of those who have helped me over the years.

Like my cousin Katniss.

Her, Gale and I illegally hunt in the outskirts of the district to provide food for the poorer families. Katniss uses a bow and arrow, Gale makes advanced traps and I'm alright with a knife. I'm 16 like Katniss but Gale is 17. It's very obvious they like each other so when they get together they are probably not going to want me around anymore.

And then there's my best friend, Chase Storm.

I still remember the first time we met...


It was 7 years ago. The year before my mother died. Katniss, Gale and I had been hunting at the time but we had only went into the forest a couple of times so it was easy to get lost.

I spotted a deer in the distance and took off after it, thinking how proud Katniss and Gale would be if I caught it. I had been running for about 10 minutes before I could no longer see the deer and I realised I was lost. I wondered round in circles when it started to rain.

I didn't have a jacket on so I took shelter underneath a large tree and began to cry as I didn't know whether I would get back home.

I heard a twig snap behind me about 5 minutes later. I jumped round hoping, no praying, it was either Katniss or Gale but it wasn't.

I saw a boy who looked to be my age. He had dark brown hair that was damp due to the rain, with bright green eyes. He was very handsome.

He smirked when he caught me staring so I diverted my eyes to a very interesting patch of mud in front of me.

"I'm guessing your lost" the boy said with his angel-like voice.

I looked at him again and nodded slowly.

He walked the rest of the distance over to me while taking off his jacket and gesturing for me to stand up.

"Here" he said while holding up his jacket. "I'm Chase"

Hesitating, I put on his jacket "Echo" I shyly said.

"Pretty name" he grinned. "It's...Different, anyway I'll help you get home"

Chase grabbed my hand and started walking In the direction I presumed was his house.

We talked a bit on the way back into the district. I found out Chase was a year older than me and he lived with his mother Nelly, his older brother Cole and his little sister Daisy. In turn he learned about my mother and father.

I showed him which house was mine, which was only a few doors down from his house and I stood on the doorstep before facing him and returning his jacket.

"Thanks Chase" I smiled.

"Your welcome, It was nice meeting you" he grinned pulling up the hood of his jacket.

"Would you..." He started. His hands were deep in his pockets, his eyes were on his shoes. I couldn't hold back a smile.

"Would you like to hang out tomorrow?" Chase turned incredibly shy.

"I would love too" I squeaked. His eyes met mine and he smiled brightly.

"Bye Echo"

"Bye Chase"

He turned and ran home whilst I went inside and came face to face with my parents who we're beaming proudly at me. They were glad that I finally had another friend.


I smiled at the memory. He hasn't changed much since. His eyes have gotten greener and he has gotten a lot stronger.

Chase and I have been best friends since. WelI, I think I'm in love with him but I can't tell him, It would ruin our relationship if he didn't return my feelings. I had become very close to him and his family.

I had a bath and put on my reaping clothes. It was a white frilly blouse with a green skirt that was a few inches above my knee and a pair of white flats. I pinned my hair to the side using one of my mothers old hair clips and and fastened a locket around my neck that I had gotten from Chase on my 15th birthday.

It was a silver heart locket and inside, on the left was a small picture of my parents holding hands In front of the house and on the right was a picture of me and Chase. He was giving me a piggyback, and I had my head buried into his shoulder. We were both laughing at something Chase probably said. It was my favourite photo of us together. On the back it had the words "You Are My Sunshine" engraved into it. Sunshine is his nickname for me. I'm using the locket as my district token because it means so much to me.

With one final look in the mirror I head off to Chase's house to meet him and his family before the reaping. I figure it's time to tell them about the fact I'm volunteering.

The Hunger Games *Chasing Echo*Where stories live. Discover now