~ Chapter 2 ~

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Chase Storm POV

Today is the day of the reaping and I'm pretty nervous. It's my 6th reaping, which means if I make it through this year and the next I don't have to worry about being put into the games. It's my brother Cole's last year and my little sister Daisy's first.

After washing up, I put on a pair of brown trousers and shoes with a green shirt. I then quickly run my fingers through my hair to fix it before I head downstairs for a quick breakfast, when my sister comes up to me.

"Chase, I'm scared" she whispers with tears in her eyes. I bend down to match her height and take her small fragile body in mine.

"I'm scared too Daisy" I admit to her. "But I promise you, everything will be fine, they aren't going to pick you, your names only in there once." She calms down a little.

I've always been very protective of Daisy.

She manages to eat some breakfast before the door opens and Echo comes in.

I can't help but stare at her, she looks so beautiful... 'No Chase' I tell myself 'she's your best friend'

She envelops my mother in a hug, then Cole, Daisy and finally me. I squeeze her tightly not wanting to let go but I have to after holding on for a few more seconds.

"Hello sunshine" I grin while kissing her cheek. She frowns at me before smiling. I know she loves her nickname.

Daisy runs up to her again and Echo picks her up sitting her on her hip.

"Echo, I'm scared" she whispers to her. I smile a little since that was the exact same thing she said to me a few minutes ago.

"There's no need to be" she tells her before sadly looking towards me. She drops Daisy and walks over to take her seat at the table.

Since her father died she comes over for supper every night. Echo brings some food over though as she feels that's its unfair, even though that's not true.

"I have some new" she says without making eye contact with anyone. We all sit around the table. I feel her hand slip into mine under the table and I squeeze it gently.

"Echo, dear, what wrong" my mother asks her. Echo looks up.

"I'm.....I'm......" She begins. I squeeze her hand again. What is she going to say?

"I'm volunteering for the games" she whispers quietly.

"WHAT!" I scream, startling everyone.

After I few seconds I repeat myself but by talking quietly. I feel tears forming in my eyes but I hold them back.

"Why Echo?" Cole questions with a shaky voice. Echo is like a little sister to him.

"Think about it" she talks with a little more confidence. "I don't have any family, apart from Katniss and Prim. I would rather I go into the games than someone who has a family terrified for them."

She pauses "You are like my family, but it wouldn't really matter if I wasn't here. All I do is waste the food that you should be eating and this way I don't have to worry about Prim or Daisy getting reaped in there first year."

"No please don't" Daisy cries. Echo takes her free hand and places it over Daisy's before saying "I'm sorry, but I've made my mind up"

I stand up pulling Echo with me and take her into the garden and face her, still keeping her small hands in mine.

"Please don't" I whisper. I can't help the few tears that escape my eyes.

"Chase" her voice breaks.

"I can't let you do that"



"I've already made my mind up" she begins to cry. "You'll be fine when I'm gone"

"How can I? I need my sunshine, I need you in my life" I beg her. I realise how stupid I sound but she means the world to me. She's more than just my friend, I'm in love with her but of course I'll never tell her, I don't want to ruin our relationship.

She pulls me into a hug and buries her head into my shoulder, her hands are wrapped tightly around my neck and mine around her waist. We stand like this until the bell that announces the reaping goes off. We both pull back a little and look into each others eyes.

"It's time to let go" she whispers softly.

"You're not going to change your mind are you?" she shakes a her head.

Sighing I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear and leave my hand on the side of her face. "I'll never let go" she places her hand on top of mine and rubs her head slightly into my hand. "I know" she smiles sadly.

My mother, Cole and Daisy leave the house. My mother looks sympathetically at me as she knows how much Echo means to me.

I hold tightly onto Echo's left hand while Daisy grips her right as we all walk to the reaping.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2014 ⏰

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