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"DAIKOKU COME HERE!" Kofuku yelled. Daikoku rushed into the room. "What's wrong?" Daikoku asked. "Yato passed out from high stress levels. He's gonna die if we don't hurry." Kofuku said. Daikoku bent down and felt Yato's pulse again. He froze. "I don't think he's gonna make it." Daikoku said. Tears poured out of your eyes. You ran over to Yato, and laid on his body. He stopped breathing, and You felt his heart stop. "YATO! DON'T LEAVE ME! PLEASE YATO JUST WAKE UP!" You cried. Kofuku covered her mouth trying not to cry. Your tears ran down your face and into Yato's chest. "NO! YATO! DONT GO! I NEED YOU!" You yelled. You hugged him tightly, and cried into his neck.

You felt a best in his chest. Yato very slowly lifted his arms, and wrapped them around you. You looked at his face. He slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were completely white, but soon became the normal blue they always were. "Y-Yukine..." Yato said weakly.

"YATO! YOU'RE ALIVE!" You said. You hugged him again. "I THOUGHT YOU LEFT ME!" You cried. Yato out his and in your head. "I would never leave you Yukine." Yato said. You looked at him, and kissed him passionately. Kofuku uncovered her mouth. You broke the kiss. Tears streamed down Yato's lively blue eyes. "I finally get to hold you again..." Yato said quietly. "I'm so sorry I did this to you Yato... This is all my fault..." You said. Yato ran his fingers through your hair. "No it's not Yukine..." He said soothingly. "What even happened?" Daikoku asked. You and Yato looked at each other. "We forgot to tell them..." Yato whispered. "Who should tell them?" You asked. "I'll tell them. I'd rather them kill me than you." Yato said. Yato say up, causing you to slid into his lap. "I don't know if we've told you this, but... Hiyori's dead..." Yato said. "W-What..?!" Kofuku said. "Yori's dead..?" She asked. You nodded. "Her tail was cut off and she turned into a phantom...." Yato said. Kofuku started crying. "I'm sorry..." Yato said. You heard Kai's quiet whimper. You turned around and looked at Kai and Hazu leaning against a wall. "Yato. There's people here to see you." You said. You pointed at Kai and Hazu. Yato turned around and looked at them.

"H-Hazuka...? Is that really you?" Yato asked as he say up. Hazu smiled and held out his arms. "The same Hazuka you've always known." Hazu said. Yato shot up and hugged him. "I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU FOR SO LONG!" Yato said. Hazu hugged him back and smiled. "It's been about 100 years now that I look back at it." Hazu said. You mouth dropped open from disbelief. "How old are you Yato?" You asked. "Do you I really want to know that? I don't think you'll believe me." Yato said. You put your hand on his shoulder. He turned and faced you as you spoke. "I'll believe you Yato. I know you're not a liar." You said. Yato smiled and kissed your cheek.

"I'm actually 1,000." Yato said. He pulled his jersey up, and covered his face. Your eyes widened, but then softened. You pulled down his jersey, turned his face towards yours, and kissed him. "Don't be embarrassed Yato. I don't care if your 1,000 years old. I still love you as much as I ever have." You said. Yato hugged you tightly. You felt a tear roll down your back as Yato began breathing fast. You hugged him back, and rubbed his back.

"Awe. Don't cry Yato." You said soothingly. Yato tightly grasped your jacket. "T-Thank you Yukine... I love you so much..." Yato stuttered. You wrapped your arms around him. "You're welcome Yato. I love you too." You said. Yato quietly cried into your shoulder. Everybody slowly walked out of the room and have you and Yato some alone time.

You say Yato down as he continues to cry. You slowly rubbed his back. "It's ok Yato. I'll always be here for you. I'll never leave your side. I promise." You said soothingly. Yato pulled you back and pinned you onto the ground. He wrapped his body around yours, and kissed your neck. "Y-Yato..." You moaned quietly.

Yato slowly licked your neck, causing you to slightly twitch. You wrapped your arms around Yato's neck. Yato slowly slid his hand up your shirt. He stopped licking you neck, and kissed you passionately. He licked your teeth, asking for an opening. You slowly opened your mouth and allowed his tongue to enter your mouth.

(i'll leave the rest for you to imagine~)

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