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"Uhm... Jack... I have to tell you something." Bruce looked into Jack's sleepy eyes when they both woke up.
"You know... you have actually two kids, since we've been married,"
"Yeah, Damian and Rose. Omg is one of them dead?!" Jack said in panic.
"No, no. It's just... uhm... I've adopted another child."
"Goddammit Bats! You did it again! Congratulations, you are addictive to adopting childs!"
"C'mon, it would be fun with Lisa!"
"Oh, it's a girl...?"
"Yeah, do you have a problem with that?"
"Uhm... no... not at all" Jack laughed nervous, got out of bed, put some clothes on, and left the room.

Jack walked pass a room that was different than the others. Every room in Wayne manors was decorated and in serious colors. But this room was... Yellow. Bright yellow. All the furnature was pink and purple. There was a girl in the room. Jack knocked on the door,"So, you are Lisa?"
"Yes, hello sir. Bruce Wayne adopted me a few days ago. Are you..." she sounded a little afraid when she realized who the man was. "Are you... my second dad?"
"Yes... don't be afraid, I won't bite or somthing." Not yet Jack thought and got a little smile on his face from that thought.

"Bu-But... you are... the Joker. You are... a murederous psychopath...
Are you really my dad?" Lisa was afraid that Jack would kill her.
"Well, I'm married with the man who had adopted you so... that makes me your second dad I guess."
Lisa looked at Jack like she wanted to jump on him like a dog on a toy, Jack took a step back but Lisa came a step closer.
"THAT'S SO COOL!" Lisa screamed from happiness. "I can't believe it! My new dad is the one and only, infamous clown prince of crime!"
"Wow, I, uhm, I expected a different raction. But this one is also good."

Bruce heard the screaming and thought Jack would have slapped his new daughter so he ran to the room.
When he entered the room he saw the 12 year old girl hugging Jack.
"Found a new friend?" Bruce asked with a smile on his face.
"Yeah! Dad number 2 is awesome!"
Jack lifted Lisa on his shoulder."you may call me Jack, if you want."
"Hmmm... I'll go with only J!"
Jack laughed when the little girl played with his hair.
"Your hair is so nice and fluffy, J"
"Haha thanks little bean."

At dinner, Bruce, Lisa and Damian sat at the table, waiting on Jack, who was feeding Rose. Bruce talked with Lisa over become a sidekick of Batman, Lisa knew that Bruce was Batman from the moment he talked to her. "Nice try Bat-Dad, but I'll become the sidekick of my funny dad!"
"You can't be Jack's sidekick! You'll die!"
"I can! And you know why? Because I'm the daughter of BATMAN!"
"Very funny Lis... that's my text and it's only cool when I say it!"
Damian fell from his chair from laughing. Jack came in the dinnerroom and helped Damian back up.

"What's so funny?" Jack asked.
"Nothing..." Bruce said annoyed, "your little bean over there, wants to become your sidekick and die."
"Oh come one Bruce, I've never killed a child before. She'll be fine."
"I don't want it to happen! What if she falls in a vat of acid and becomes just like you! I can't take care of another psychopath! I can barly take care of you!"
"Hey! I'm not a child anymore, thank you." Jack rolled his eyes and looked at Lisa who just sat on a random chair.

"My place at the table..." Jack looked at her and Lisa stood up to sit on the chair next to Jack's. Jack laughed a little and Lisa hugged him. "Don't worry... Bat-dad can't always have an eye on you..." he whispered in her ear, making Lisa smile.

2 weeks gone by. Jack took Lisa one time for a mission, not a dangerous mission, just robbing a little store. She found it fantastic. Bruce didn't even know about it. But after that night, Lisa stayed more in her room as usual, when Jack took a look if everything was alright she said that he had to leave. Bruce worried a little but Damian was the same, always on his room to play videogames.

After another week Jack worried too. He went to Lisa's room to see if everything was alright. Her door was locked but Jack knew how to unlock it quietly. When he unlocked the door he saw his daughter with a knife, cutting her arm. "What. The. Fuck. Are you doing!?" He grabbed the knife out off Lisa's hands and took her to the bathroom sink.
"Why de hell do you hurt yourself?! Are you crazy?!" Jack said frustrated when he washed away all the blood. He was so mad and worried about his daughter but he didn't want Bruce to know it.

"J, stop! It hurts!"
"I know it hurts! Why the hell you're doing this!"
"I don't know!"
"I DON'T KNOW, I SAID!" Lisa tried to run away but Jack grabbed her shoulder. He didn't want to hurt her even more.
"Stay... I'll fix this." Jack wrapped bandage around Lisa's arm. It hurt a little but after that she was fine.
"Thanks, Dad." She hugged Jack.
Jack dragged her back to her room and sat down on her bed.
"Why do you hurt yourself with a knife? You know you shouldn't play with knives." Jack said, still hugging Lisa, who started to cry a little.
"I'm really sorry daddy."
Dammit, she calls me daddy!... maybe it's my fault, maybe she does this because of me... Jack thought burying his face in Lisa's her for a second.

"You know, that I play with knives, wont say you can play with knives."
"But I want to be just like you Dad, when do we go to ACE chemicals?"
"Aaawh C'mon dad!"
"No." Jack left the room and took all the knives and thing that could hurt her with him. He had to talk to Bruce about it. This was Jack's fault and he knew that.

"She's... she's cutting herself?"
"Yup, I've bandaged her arm and took the knife with me."
Bruce started to cry and leaned on Jack's shoulder.
"This is all my fault, Jack. I had to be a better father for her, I was too busy with Damian and Rose."
Jack wanted to say something, but he couldn't speak. After a moment of silence Jack finally had to say something. "It isn't your fault, Bruce... it's... my fault."
"Why? She loves you!"
"She wants to be just like me, she probaly knows how many scars I have. It's my fault, I am a psychopathic kid, stuck in a grown up body, who likes to play with knives and bombs."

Bruce looked at him. He saw that it was hard for Jack to say something this deep. He knew Jack would be a good father, like he is for Rose.
"It's not your fault Jack, Lisa probaly was depressed before I adopted her, who knows how long she does self harming."
"I've took her one time to rob a store..." Jack whispered, looking down at the ground.
"You did WHAT?!" Bruce barked, he couldn't believe Jack actually did that, Bruce told him so many times he couldn't do that!
"I'm sorry okay! I know it was fault to take a 12-years old to a mission, I thought it could because it was just a little store, I didn't even use a gun or a knife!"
"Jack, I want you, you, to take Lisa back to the orphanage..."
"B-But Bruc-"
"No but. Now."

Jack knocked on the door of Lisa's room. "Uhm... hey Liz... I have to tell you something and you're not gonna like it..." there was no reaction.
"Liz?... Lisa come on, no time for jokes!..." still no reaction. Bruce looked at Jack from his room, Jack didn't see Bruce.
"Lisa!" Jack kicked open the door, only to see Lisa laying on the ground, bleeding, with a knife in her hand and a big cut in her throat.
"LISA!... BRUCE COME! QUICK!" Bruce ran to the room, seeing Jack sitting on the ground, crying, with Lisa's head on his lap."oh my god..." Bruce whispered to himself.
"We have to do something, Bruce!" Jack said, trying to sound like he had control of the situation but his voice cracked and a tear rolled down his cheek.

Bruce looked for any breathe comming from the little girl, laying in Jack's lap. "She's still alive. I'll call Alfred so he can stitch her wound."
Jack looked at his daughter. "Please don't die Liz, you're too young." He whispered at her, running his fingers trough her hair.

After an hour Lisa woke up, laying between her two dads. They were both sleeping. Lisa moved just a little but that was enough to wake Bruce.
"You're awake," he whispered looking from a sleeping Jack to the little girl.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes, thanks for saving me."
"I didn't save you, your other dad did."
Lisa looked at Jack, who was still sleeping. "He couldn't sleep until he knew that you were save, so, about 5 minutes ago." Bruce whispered, he knew Jack was tired so he didn't want to wake him.
"You wanna bring me back to the orphanage, don't you?" Lisa asked after a moment of watching how cute Jack looks while sleeping.
"No, I thought Jack was a bad fatherfigure for you, but now I've seen how much he cares about you."
"So I'm not going back?"
"No, you stay with Jack and me."

"On one condition..."
"Yes, dad?"
"No more self harm."
"I promise"
Jack woke up when Bruce said that Lisa stayed, and hugged Lisa, making her smile.
She didn't want to cut herself anymore, because she had the best parents an orphan could wish...

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