Part 1

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I sat on the couch feeling nauseous and dizzy from the alcohol. How much did I drink last night? It must've been a lot because I can't remember a damn thing about what happened. I walked with slow and shaky steps over to the bathroom mirror, I looked at myself and started to feel even sicker.
I saw the newly made cuts on my arm and ran my fingers along them. I felt disgusted. 

I took my cell phone and looked at the time, I have two hours until I have to go to school. I took a shower, I like the feeling of the warm water dripping down my body it's so freeing like all your problems and worries just disappear into thin air.

I walked to my closet and found a little white top with some black skinny jeans and a black pair of converse, I sat my almost black hair up in a ponytail and took a quick and thin layer of mascara on. Just as I was about to walk out the door I grabbed my leather jacket and put it on, as I opened the door the cold fresh air hit my face I took a deep breath and started walking towards my school. 

Maybe I should introduce myself, I'm Sammie and I'm 17 years old. But you can just call me Golden Girl, well that's what all my friends do and they seem to enjoy it. I fish my pack of cigarettes and my lighter out from my pocket, I quickly light a cigarette and makes sure that no one sees it. I sigh as the smoke fill up my lungs, it's been too long since my last one. I stop about two miles away from the school and quickly smoke the last bit before I keep walking.

As I enter the school's corridor I smile like I do every day, they don't seem to notice that it's all just a show. I'm from the Bale family we practically own the whole town, my father has his own company, so he earns quite a lot of money. My mum doesn't have a job but she goes with my dad on his business trips, so as you may have figured out they're not home that often which leaves me all to myself. 

I see Jacob Beach in the distance, he's the school's jackass but our family knows each other so I'm dating him, we've been together for 2 years now he was that one I lost my virginity to. I kinda regret it, it should've been with a person I love not Jacob, I mean he's a real fucking dick but he has his good days, I just don't love him. I greet the rest of my friends and I greet Jacob with a kiss. 

Ellie Parker, she's my best friend we've known each other since middle school, but I've always secretly hated her. she's such a bitch sometimes, don't get me wrong I can be a bitch too but, she's just annoying when she does it. I can tell she's a bit jealous of what I and my family's got which I don't understand we're miserable 

The sound of the bell rings throughout the corridor, it's time for class... ugh I fucking hate class. I walk through the door and sees my teacher smiling at me and gesturing for me to sit in front of the class like usual. You see I'm not just rich and popular no, I'm a fucking A student as well as if it wasn't bad enough already. The class moves slowly like usual and I'm just sitting answering all of the questions the teacher spits at me. 

After class I walk straight out to the bathroom, I check all the stalls before I find my usual one at the end. I get out my packet of cigarettes again and fumble a little bit after my lighter when I finally find it I light the cigarette and take a hit. " Just keep your fucking shit together" I quietly whisper to myself, "your Sammie fucking Bale you can do this." Suddenly there is a slight knock on the door following by Ellis' voice. "Sammie are you okay?" She asks, I just throw the cigarette in the toilet and flush, then I answer " Yeah just give me a minute." I could feel the fear rushing through my body, what if she saw what I was doing? if I get busted I'm fucking dead! I walk out and she's just standing there waiting for me, " sorry, it's that time of the month" I lie to her and gives her one of my fake Bale smiles. She just smiles back awkwardly, but then takes my hand and we walk out to the others. 

I need to survive this day, I tell myself as we walk to the next class. I always need to survive...

It's now lunch and we walk to the cafeteria, sit down at our usual spot, it's the table in the middle of the room so everyone can look at us and admire us. It sounds like a cliche teenage movie I know, but hey that's the high school life, if you wanna survive here you should maybe pay a little more attention to the teenage movies. 

I feel a big and strong arm being placed around my waist, I look up and see that it's just Jacob sitting down next to me. His eyes meet mine and I keep them there for a second, he has so beautiful kind, soft eyes. Too bad that his personality isn't like that. 

I stand in line for the shitty lunch buffet this school offers, I grab some cutlery and turn about to walk back to my seat when I stumble face first into some douchebag standing in the way, I end up with my lunch all over my shoes. " Hey look where you're going you cum-bubble!" I almost scream and look up to find a strange guy just staring at me with rage on his face, " Sorry I didn't know we had royal company" he says with a shit load of sass and a smirk that could kill thousands of virgins. I give him the famous bitch death stare and walk back to my seat. Who the hell was that cum-bubble?  

As soon as I walk through the front door of our family mansion I can finally let my parade fall, I let the slight wet converse slip off and throw them to the back of my walk-in closet. I walk to my bed and dig an ashtray out from under it, for the third time today I let a cigarette hit my lips I let the smoke fill up my lungs. As I fall back on the bed I breathe out the smoke.

" What a fucking day" 

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