Part 3

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I wobbly try to climb inside again, the sun is slowly rising and in about half an hour my parents will wake up and leave. 

I sit on my bed, I'm meeting up with my friends at the mall later today. We always do that on the weekends, we shop, we eat lunch and we go home and watch a boring ass movie. It has just been like that since we started in High school. It's kinda one of the weird rituals we do, but no one knows why exactly we do it. 

After about an hour of trying to sleep but with no luck, I finally get out of bed and change into a little blue dress that my mom bought ages ago before my life began to turn to shit. 

I decided to take my car to the mall this time, in case we all head back to my place today. I pull out of the driveway, my black Porsche is shining all the way to the mall, I don't like showing off because I know not all people have it like me. But it's a fucking Porsche, who the fuck wouldn't show that off. Anyways I park in the parking lot and I slowly drag my hungover ass to the entrance where all of us were meeting. 

I look over the parking lot and lock eyes with a familiar face, but where have I seen this face before? Oh, I know, it's that jerk from the cafeteria yesterday! 

He casts me a weird look and moves on, I couldn't help but notice one thing, he was smiling at me, fucking smiling! I'm getting pulled out of my trance-like state, by the honking and yelling from a group of people, I look over there and see my friends waving me over to them. I walk towards Jacobs Ferrari, which they're all standing around, I skim the crowd and see a familiar face. Let me introduce you to Hope, she's a little weird, she likes old rock bands and I swear to god she dyes her hair every fucking week. But she's kind of fun and maybe the only "friend" that I like. 

"Hey Hope girl," I say in an excited voice that, even I don't if it's fake or real.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2020 ⏰

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