your yandere

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Name: jessy

Personality: sweet, overprotective, gentle, doment, pervert only to you, crazy, and extremely violent when your life is on the line

Back story: so shes a werewolf she has three forms one human two still kind of human but she has a wolf tail and ears three a very big wolf like relly big an it can stand up completely terrifying and unstoppable mostly

She lives in a small cabin eats like a wolf but her body maintains it's self

She loves cuddling and petting you a bit like your the dog but not really even though she the dominant one for obvious reasons she gives you plenty of freedom though if you run of she'll catch you and rape you well she already dose that but its much worse when you run also  behaviour is a lot like a wolf so you'll see what i mean soon enough i Don't know when I'll update thi im have a hard time keepin up with the stroys so i might do a few short one's well hop you enjoy

yandere fem werewolf x abused Shy Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now