bad parents

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You had som mean parents they were very strict and if ever said no they would throw you in a small secret room with in the basement along with beating you to near death and on top of that they would only give you enough food and water to survive you lived in the woods about a mile from civilization as a result you became very shy and timid you were always scared of getting  hurt and this is were you began but things change your life will have a rather big change headed right for you literally but first you were sleeping in your rather unusual room why well cuz it's just a room with a few boxes (yes it's that bad)

Y/n prov

I was sleeping on the floor the door flew open my mother cam in

Bitc- i mean mom( woops i made a little mistakes I'll leave it though its true): get up you little shit and make some breakfast for me and your father now

I get up and hurry to the kitchen this was a comen thing for them i do what the say and or i they hurt me i make some eggs and bacon i leave two peaces for me of bacon for me and one egge thats all they give me for the day so i have to gather my own food out in the woods i eat up as the do i quickly eat till my dad grabs one of my pieces of bacon

Dad:i need this more then you do (a/n he has 5 other strips by the way)

I just nod and eat the rest my mom walks over to the counter

Mom: god damn it y/n i told you to get some apples on top of the Mountain yesterday

My dad whacks me in the head i fall of the chair

Dad: why didn't you get those Apple's like she told you

"I-im sorry but it was g-getting dark so i had to come back"

He then kick me in the gut

Dad: you idiot i don't give a damn if its dark we are your parents you do what we say

Mom: take him out side and teach him a lesson then send him to get some apples


He pulls me out side and repeatedly hits me

Time skip

I was limping along the way to the Apple tree's up the mountain i still remember what they said

Flash back

Dad:and if you take to long then I'll come up and beat you to a bloody pulp


I shivered at the thought of what he would do i made it up the mountain it was cold but i had my sweater on it was the only thing nice they got me but that was so no one could see what they did to me

I get to the top of the mountain i pick an apple end bit into it the Apple's hear really are good i start packing Apple's in the bag then i hear footsteps behind me thinking it was dad i hide behind the tree i sat down covered my head and closed my eyes

I hear the foot steps come close

"Im sorry i thought i had plenty of time left i just heading bac-"

???: are you ok

I look to see a girl a bit taller than me

"Oh umm y-yea"

She extends her hand i hesitantly grab her hand she pulls me up and is she strong -_-

???:so whats your name

"Oh i-It's uu y-y/n"

She offers a hand shake

Jessie:name's jessie nice to meet you

I hesitantly take her hand shaking a little

Jessie: so what are you doing out hear

"oh im j-just collecting weekly Apple's for my parents"

Jessie:oh so then why were you scared when i approach you

"oh i-i just thought you were someone else"

Jessie:ok so why you collecting Apple's should your dad be the one to do something like that

"Umm w-well it's a long story"

Just then i realized that im going to be late my face gose pale i quickly grab my things

"*speaking quickly* im really sorry i have to go by"

I run home as fast a possible hoping im not late

Jessie prov

He runs of i could chases him but it seems like he's in a hurry y/n was his name I've been a Lone Wolf for a while now mostly cuz I'm not like most werewolves most just think of humans as a type of meal as for me I'm curious about them i want to know them more and this is my first encounter

Jessie:well y/n i think you caught my attention

I smiled a little i finally got to talk to one i was right to come out here and not only that but his shyness made him adorable and cute i think I'll run in to him next week on a walk

And after that she been showing up on your apple runs her interest in you grew into a full on obsession she stalk you till you got home and then meets you in other places she managed to get you to open up to her she eventually stalkedyou to the point were she looks at you bathe and no you didn't bathe at home you did it in a near by water fall thats when she saw your bruises thats when she stalk you 24/7 to find out who cause them when she saw it was your parents she became both happy and enraged how dare they hurt her soul mate and there child but she was happy cuz that means you'll be happy with her once she kills your parents and kidnaps you to take you to her mansion and marks you she will attack on full moon when her wolf transformation is most powerful then she'll take her time killing your abusive parents slowly for what they did to you

A/n ok thats it for this chapter its a bit small but thats because next part were all the action is hope you enjoy next is coming soon unless your reading this after i made the 2nd chapter then in which case enjoy

yandere fem werewolf x abused Shy Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now