Chapter 4 "he turn around, he was Justin."

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“I really don’t know. Who are you? Sorry this is not my best day”

“I’m Austin, we have some classes together.”

I remember Austin, the guy who always stands behind me, and he looks at me every time. Sometimes he’s annoying but he helps me with biology and those shitty classes.

“Hey Emma are you okay?”

“Of course not, I should go home” I just started to walk home or maybe I should go with Val, but she’s with Liam I don’t want to disturb them.

“Wait!” Austin yelled. “Maybe I can come with you, you need someone who talk a lot!” he smiled

I smiled “yeah, why not. Maybe we should go to the backyard”

The backyard is the place where people do their things, like: makeout sessions, not explicit but heavy shits, people eating; playing is like seeing kids doing stupid stuffs.

“so tell me, Austin why you decide to talk to me?”

“well” he said nervously “I just need to know you mmoree”

“you know me?” I said, he was a little bit creepy.

“We’re in the same class Emma, you’re pretty, I play football, and we need to be friends” he smiled.

I can deny his smile is perfect, no more perfect than Justin, but who cares about Justin. We finally arrived to the backyard, it was a little bit empty, but I can see a group of persons talking and one couple makingout, awkward.

“come here” he said.

We sit under a tree, he stared at me, it was awkward.

“you’re so pretty Emma” he smiled and he makes me blush.

“thank you Austin”

“can we go out tonight?” he blushed

“yes of course, we can go out” I’m going to try distract about Justin, that would be great.

“where do you wanna go?” he asked.

“you have to decide, you’re the one with the idea” trying to flirt.

“it’s going to be a surprise” he winked and he came closer and closer, I though he’s trying to kiss me but he came closer to my cheek and I can feel his breath and he whisper “6:30, don’t be late, I’ll pick you up”

“okay, I’ll be ready” I was completely blush.

I got up, and I gave him my number and my address, I say goodbye and start walking to my class, or hoping to see Val.

I’m still thinking about what Justin said “we’re friends with benefits” the fuck is that. I should try with other people, I want to see Justin jealous and mad, when he’s mad he looks hot, it’s like a turn on, why I still thinking about him, I need to stop. We’re only friends, friends who kiss. Yeah, awkward.

I keep walking and I saw someone very particular kissing that bitch of Kimberly. She’s the “popular” girl, every guy only wants to be with her cause they said she gives the best sex, she’s “heaven” that’s bullshit, she’s very stupid and she thinks she’s the only girl with big boobs and with a great body in the world. Agh, she’s the worst, but that boy looks familiar to me. They separate and he turn around, he was Justin.

I couldn’t believe I was in shock. My tears start to running down my cheeks, all the things he said was a lie, a completely lie. I hate myself for trust him, for believe all that crap. I keep walking; I don’t want to know anything about him. I want him dead. I found Val, with other chicks, they’re talking about boy bands,  you know they’re big sensations nowadays, I sat down with them and all I do it was listening them, Val saw me and she ask me

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