Chapter 24

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     "Mother, I miss Jonas." Lily said, looking at herself in the mirror. Ever since the ceremony, she no longer needed hair ribbons, and wasn't quite used to it yet.

     "Precision of language, Lily." Mother replied. "We aren't supposed to say that name anymore."

     "I know. I just can't stop thinking about how he's somewhere off in Elsewhere."

     It had been about a week since Jonas left, and everyone in the community was told at the ceremony of advancement that Jonas had been lost in the river. The ceremony of loss was today, and Lily couldn't stop thinking about him. It just seemed so strange that one day, Jonas could disappear.

     "Allright Lily, Grab your bicycle. It's time for the ceremony. Father is already there, because of the newchildren. I'll wait for you outside." Mother said before walking out the door.

     Lily sighed and started to walk towards the door when everything... changed. It just blinked for a moment. Not in shape, it just changed. Lily shook her head and grabbed her bicycle. She was probably just imagining things. Just as she was about to mount her bicycle, everything changed again, but for longer this time.

     "Mother?" Lily asked, but her mother had gone too far ahead to hear. She looked around, when everything changed again, but stayed. Words and images flooded into her head, like when the fish hatchery released all the fish into the river. Lily squeezed her eyes shut and slid off her bicycle to the ground. She crouched in a ball, waiting for it to stop. Before long, it finally did. Lily opened her eyes and gasped. It was as if she was on a different planet. Everything around her screamed with color, and was bright and vivid. So different than her colorless, old world.

     "Attention. There is an unscheduled meeting at the annex. Come immediately." came an announcement from the speaker. Lily sighed. She wanted to stay and and marvel at the change, not go to the annex. She hopped on her bike and biked slowly to the annex, soaking all the new colors in.

     After a while, when she got to the Annex, everyone in the entire community was gathered in a circle. Because of the change. All the new memories and colors. Lily remembered.

     The Receiver was in the center of the circle, trying to calm everyone down, but it obviously wasn't working. It was so loud with everyone shouting and shoving that Lily wanted to cover her ears until everything suddenly became quiet. The Chief Elder appeared, herself, not a hologram.

     "I know you are very confused, and angry about what has happened. But I need you to listen to The Receiver. He'll explain." The shouting began again until she held up her hand.

     "Listen to him. Give him a chance." Everything was silent again, and The Receiver approached the center.

     "I know this may come as a shock, but these memories actually happened.." The Receiver said. Lily held her breath.

     "A long time ago, back, and back, and back, before our community was made, the elders decided that the world would be better without differences. Without these memories, color, and emotions, they thought we could achieve Sameness. Where everyone is the same and there would be no conflict."

     "Why would you keep all that from us, though? All our lives, we've lived in darkness, missing out all these things." somebody shouted from the back.

     "It was for your protection. So you wouldn't feel pain, loss, starvation. Anything that the elders deemed unsafe.

     "But they were wrong! What about all the good stuff like joy or laughter or love?" Lily blurted, unable to resist feeling upset.

     "Yes, they were. So now we are going to create a new community with different rules. We aren't sure exactly how it will be run, but you will all get a say in the matter. You can leave our community if you like, to find somewhere else to live. We don't know what's out there, so you leave at your own risk."

     Everyone was silent as The Receiver's last words hung in the air. Lily felt someone tap her shoulder, and looked back to find Mother and Father looking down at her.

     "We're thinking about leaving, Lily Billy. It'll be good to get a fresh start." Father said.

     "Are you okay with that? If you are, then we'll pack as soon as we get home." Mother added. Lily thought for a moment. She wasn't sure if leaving was worth it. All of her friends, her whole life, really, was in the community. She took a deep breath.

     "Yes." Lily said, trying not to cry.

     "It's okay, Lily." Mother said, pulling her into a hug.

     "I love you Mother." Lily said suddenly, glad she knew what the word meant.

     "I love you too, Lily." Mother replied. "We'll get through this." 

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