Chapter 2

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"...No.  You don't understand.  All those innocent children, I've murdered.  I've taken their lives away.  And they were so young.  So young, with their whole lives in front of them.  A life incomplete, so short.  They had so much left to do.  And I've taken it all away from the-"  Father's voice broke and he started sobbing, but quietly.  Mother wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into a hug.

"I know.  Its not your fault.  You didn't know what you were doing.  You were ordered to, anyway." 

"Its so hard, though.  I couldn't sleep last night, they haunted me in my dreams.  All the wailing and the stillness of their bodies."  He wiped a tear away from his face, shuddering.

"I know its hard, but you have to be strong.  For Lily."

"I know.  I'll try."  And he wiped his tears away with the back of his hand.

It broke Lily's heart, seeing her Father like this.  She had never seen him cry in her entire life.  It wasn't his fault, but he still felt guilty.  

She cleared her throat, startling Mother and making her flinch.  Father looked shocked as well, but quickly recovered.

"Oh.  Lily, are you ready?" he asked.

"Yup!  All packed.  When are we leaving?"

Father glanced at Mother.  They appeared to have some kind of silent conversation, before Mother looked at Lily.

"Right now.  Everyone is heading to the annex.  We should do the same."

Father swung one of the heavier packs around his shoulders and helped Mother do the same.  Looking closely, Lily was able to see that his eyes were a little red.  He caught her staring and smiled reassuringly.

"Don't be scared Lilly - Billy.  Everything is going to be alright."  

Lily nodded.  She wasn't scared of what was to come - she was scared for her father.  Scared he the guilt would consume him and he wouldn't make the trip outside.

                                                                                   .    .    . 

At the annex, everyone was in clusters of friends and family.

"Can I go join my friends?"  Lily asked, anxious to see someone who could relate to her struggles. 

"In a minute.  The Giver is about to speak."

The Giver walked to the middle of the stage and looked around.  Everyone was quiet and stood, listening attentively.

"I see not many of you listened to my packing suggestions."  He said with a small smile.  There was some laughter, but everyone was nervous for the upcoming trip.  No one had been outside the community, and the thought to leave it for the first time was terrifying.

Who knew what was out there?

The Giver had told everyone to pack light, but no one seemed to be following it.  Many families were carrying carts, and almost everyone had giant backpacks stuffed to the brim.  Lily looked her family.  Mother and Father's packs were small, but pretty big in comparison to Lily's small one.  All she had was a few pairs of clothes, a hairbrush, and her comfort object- an elephant.  Her parents had all their stuff plus food and water.  But they were still one of the few who actually listened and packed properly.

"We don't know exactly  what is outside the community, but I will lead you.  I hope you all packed accordingly, for we will experience some rough terrain and weather.  The days ahead will be hard, but we will all get through it and create a new society."

"When do we leave?"  Someone from the back shouted out.

"Right now."  The Giver said, a mysterious twinkle in his blue eyes.  

Blue.  That was Jonas' eye color.  Lily thought sadly.  Even though Jonas was gone, she still missed him greatly.  I wonder where Jonas is right now.  What if we find him on our trip?  No, he cant't be.  It's impossible.   He's dead.  Lilly shook her head.  It was a silly thought- that Jonas out there somewhere.  But he was dead, wasn't he?  They said he had drowned in the river.

But they never found his body.  He could still be alive.  

Lily knew it was silly, but the more she thought about it, the more realistic it seemed.  What if Jonas was still be alive, somewhere far, far, away where no one else knew about.

Well, then I better go find him.  Lily thought triumphantly as she followed her parents walk through the community.

I mean, we are family after all.  And Lily really did mean family.  After "The Return", she really did understand exactly what the term "family" meant.  Not family unit, but family.  A word, full of happiness and love, where everyone belonged.

Lily became lost in though, and before she knew it she was in the forest.  Outside the community, for the first time in her life.

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