Markiplier x Reader (Soulmate AU!)

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Things to know:

(y/n) = your name

(f/d) = Flight or Drive [if you don't like flying/airplanes choose drive and vise versa]

(h/l) = hair length

(h/c) = Hair Color

(f/sn) = friend's younger sister name

(y/sn) = Your Younger sister name

(BF/N #1) = Friends name #1

(BF/N #2) = Friends name #2

*In this story you will be about 23 years old, although it doesn't really matter since I dont think I mention it at all in the story. Any way this is 3,848 words long, 9 pages on word so its really long. I hope you Enjoy!!!


In 2 weeks, I will finally be able to meet my idol; Mark Fischbach, AKA Markiplier!!! I rush around my room picking out cute outfits and necessities I will need throughout the next few weeks and shoving them in my suitcase for this upcoming vacation. I would be staying in LA for the whole week visiting family and old friends and then I will be going to San Diego to attend Comic Con! I can't wait! I am such a big fan of comics, anime and youtuber's that I can't sit still any longer. I have been a fan of Markiplier ever since he started his channel back in 2016, and ever since then I have been wanting to meet him but unfortunately my parents did not approve of my little "obsession."

Ever since I was young I had heard my parents talk about how soulmates are the best thing that could happen to us. I didn't know what it meant back then but in middle school the majority of my friends either had their soulmates or had found their soulmates in the duration of our middle school years. My parents were hopeful but middle school passed, then high school passed by, and now here I am, single and no soulmate found and I don't think I will find him or her (I don't judge) anytime soon. Most people are born with a timer, the name of their soulmate, a identical birthmark, or the first words their soulmates would say to them when they meet for the first time but I was born normal, nothing is written on my body, nothing seems different and after I noticed that I wasn't like everyone else I gave up on the hope of finding the one person that was born to be with me. Which now brings me to where I am today. As I finished packing my mom calls me from down stairs to inform me that the taxi had arrived. Unfortunately my parents won't be coming with me due to work but my best friends (BF/N #1), (BF/N #2) as well as (BF/N #1 OR my) little sister (F/SN or Y/SN). This is going to be so much fun!

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