Rin Okumura x Sick! Reader

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I am currently sick with the flu, unfortunately, but I was able to come up with this, so here we go!

Edit: I am most likely not gonna be sick when I post this. XP

Edit Edit: Ok so the Rin x Reader Soulmate AU! Will be coming out by Sunday. I happened to finish this one before the Soulmate AU! so I wanted to post something so you guys know that I am still very much Alive. Also, I did not proofread so sorry for any errors.  If there are, don't be afraid to point them out. Just don't be mean about it either.  Enjoy Reading.

What you need to know:

(f/n) = first name

(yn/n) = your nickname

............ Yep, I think that covers it.

Word count: 1907

*If you would like the gender to be changed I will do that but please leave comments, if 10 people say they want the gender changed I will do that! Now...

I think that's it so let's get started!



As I am walking to True Cross Academy, I notice that something seems to be off. I couldn't quite place my finger on it but I knew something was missing... But what could it be? As I pondered this, I suddenly am met with a painful sensation on the back of my head. I turn to the side and saw my younger brother looking at me with a visible tick mark on the side of his face. Yukio hit me!

"Uah! Nani!!!! What the heck Yukio! What was that for?" I exclaimed

"Well it clearly seemed like you weren't listening to a word I was saying"

"Well, I was in deep thought! You didn't have to hit me to get my attention... Geez" I say as I rub the back of my head. To be honest, I didn't actually care about what he had to say, he was most likely just yelling at me about something that I may have done yesterday or about how "I should hide my tail and flames from the rest of the students because it could cause everyone to panic," I mean seriously, I already knew that! The only person that knew about my "situation" was (y/n) and that's because she's my girlfriend. Speaking of (y/n) Where is she? I thought as I looked around.

"So, I see you noticed that (y/n) isn't here. If you had listened to me earlier you would have known that (y/n) is currently sick and will be out for the rest of the week." Yukio sighed as he informed me.

"What!? How come I'm just barely finding out about this!" I question

"*sigh* I swear, what does (y/n) see in you.... Yesterday at Shiemi's Birthday Party (y/n) was telling us about how she hasn't been feeling good. Obviously, you must have been paying such close attention." Yukio states with dripping sarcasm.

"What are you talking about? I don't rememb–" I stop, flashbacks of yesterday flashing thru my mind, "ohh~ " A wave of guilt laced with anger hits me

"Man! What kind of boyfriend am I that doesn't even check-up on his own girlfriend! T^T (y/n) must hate me now! And if not that then she must be totally pissed!" I begin to panic. "What am I gonna do! What am I gonna do! Yukio! What should I do!!!!" I yell grabbing Yukio by his coat collar.

"Why don't you go visit her instead of wasting your time panicking over something that was clearly your fault"

"Aaaa–" I stop strangling Yukio "that's... a really good idea! (y/n) loves me so she wouldn't kill me.... Yeah... Imma go visit her!" I exclaim with determination evident on my face. "Thanks Yukio!!!! You are the best!" I yell as I run towards the town.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2017 ⏰

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