Chapter 5

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We spent the whole day together and everything. He played with me and pet me and gave me attention. I guess he wasn't a dog kind of guy, but he adored wolves. But it was Saturday now and I had to go back home. I looked at Gilbert with sad eyes and rubbed my head against his arm softly, in a pitiful way. "What's wrong?" He asked and I whined before looking out the window. He looked at me before looking outside. He sighed. He must have known I would want to go back 'to the wild' at some point but didn't expect for it to be so soon.

"I know." He said softly before he move and cut off the bandages and walked to the door. "I'm going to miss you." He said softly and pet me. I leaned up and licked his face before he opened the door and I walked out before looking back at him. He looked so sad. Like he didn't want me to go at all. I looked towards the sky before letting out a howl and letting my pack know that I'm on my way home. Gilbert shut the door. I started to walk home, head low. Damn it. I wanted to go back. But I had to get ready for tonight's party. I walked threw the short cuts and went threw the doggie door.

I shifted back to my human body and looked down gently. Seeing Gilbert so sad made me sad. I grabbed my phone and looked at it before I got a message from Gilbert.

Birdie left ;-;

I smiled a little bit. At least he was still thinking about me.

I'm sorry Gil.

I didn't know what else to type to him. But I went upstairs and got ready for the party.

You still want to go party?
Of coarse! I'll be there soon.

I chuckled and texted him my address before brushing my hair and waiting for Gilbert.


I was so upset when Birdie left me. He was such a good wolf!! So, I messaged Matthew and remembered that there is a party tonight. I quickly got ready for the party and looked to the address before going and getting into my car and driving to Matthew's house.

It didn't take long. I quickly texted Matthew that I was there in the front. He came out and got into the car, being followed by this big guy with red hair. "Hey. I want Matthew back by midnight. No later." He said sternly. Matthew looked at him. "I was going to go to Gilbert's house after the party and help him study." Matthew told him and the guy looked at him. He growled a little bit. "Fine. Two in the morning. No later or I'll hunt you down." He said. I'm guessing this is Matthew's guardian. I nodded. "Yes sir." I told him before he walked back to the house and I started to drive Matthew to the party.

It was silent in the car as I drove to the party. When we were in front of the house where the party was being held, it was loud and booming with many people. I smiled and got out with Matthew. He looked a bit nervous. I grabbed his hand and we went inside. We went in threw the door and were met with people dancing and I smiled as I looked at Matthew. "Let's dance!" He said loud enough over the music and dragged him over to the crowd and started to dance.

I watched him for a moment before I helped him awesomely dance to the music. We danced, Matthew smiling and having fun. We stayed there and danced for a bit before we went to the kitchen for some drinks. There was kool-aid and soda and alcohol. I wanted a mixed drink. Matthew got himself a cup of soda while I got a cup and filled it half way up with the strongest liquor they had here and mixed it with kool-aid. Matthew looked over at me and shook his head a bit.

I smiled and stirred it. "Here, have a sip." I said and offered the cup to him. He looked at me. "Drinking kills brain cells." He said and I rolled my eyes. "Come on! Relax a bit!!" He looked at me and back at the cup before softly taking it and taking a small sip. He made a small face and I laughed. "That was strong." He said and I nodded. "Ja!" I happily took the cup back and took a swig from it. We went back to dancing, refilling our drinks when needed. But after seven cups, I really couldn't remember anything as every became one big fuzz.

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